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Everything posted by comradephil

  1. Ah, but do you have a kerbalised N1? Granted, it doesn\'t look anything like an N1, but it\'s probably as crazy.
  2. You\'re mad in that best of ways. The Kerbal way.
  3. Look at the sink rate as opposed to the attitude
  4. That never even got to prototype stage.
  5. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=7082.0 Like this?
  6. I suffer from the same problem. See my werewolf and werewolf mother
  7. I don\'t see the point in needlessly antagonising forum members, so I won\'t. That\'s what she said.
  8. Chinook. Contrarotating props and fully controllable, if you\'re very very patient at learning to fly it. Now you
  9. I must say, hope is the best of all the small shuttles so far, vanguard and AUSPLANE have their charm, but this one just handles like a dream! Even at supersonic speeds it doesn\'t spin wildly out of control, it\'s just almost impossible to manoevre, which is just fine by me I built a carrier plane for it, to take it into the stratosphere and launch from there, most fun I\'ve had in a while in KSP!
  10. This is at 2% throttle. Do I really need to prove it to you? EDIT: I found an old screenshot of one of the earlier versions.
  11. Because flying nuclear reactors are so realistic =P (Yes yes, project orion bla bla)
  12. Do I look like a decoupler to you? ;P Sorry for making more trouble in your thread, nova, hope you don\'t take it as an insult, I\'ll remove that post and tell him in IRC.
  13. I\'d like to see someone else attempt it actually, I\'m just about to go to bed!
  14. What\'s that? I couldn\'t resist doing something extremely similar! Well, I say similar.. I mean I stole your idea! One catch: It is hilariously unstable at high altitude
  15. Awesome The 152\'s take off speed is 107m/s, by the way, so on its single engine, you need quite a long runway!
  16. It also doesn\'t have a very good climb rate, but it IS a superb glider and does go forever. Oh, and it\'s really manoevrable
  17. As promised, the WereWolf Mother F-152 JATO launch Survivable water crash landings!
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