Basically I have a rocket and satellite in the cargo bay beluga thing. On the shuttles I make, there\'s no real issue. Please note that this is also because I\'m using the nova pack ASAS, idiot that I am.
Tiberion: The only issue I\'m having so far is that when used as an external booster/fuel tank, that thing wobbles immensely! Maybe reduce the gimbal range somewhat so my ships don\'t shake themselves off course?
it\'s absolutely beautiful, definitely going to experiment with this pack, mixing it up with nova\'s edition just to annoy him (Your pack is still the best, nova, this is something entirely different)
I really like your lander, it works pretty well for me, except I tend to burn half the fuel getting myself into a decent orbit around kerbin and then away to the mun so I run out just above the mun\'s surface. doesn\'t seem too overpowered when compared to the compressed fuel tanks. Protip: don\'t use the actual landing engine with it though
The thread here though, is definitely useful to those who like KSP but want something more simmy, of which I\'m sure there are more than a few, cross-pollination between the two communities is never a bad thing.
I was a skyrim player, for twenty minutes until my PC froze, then rebooted because of it. I was a skyrim player for four hours after that until the same happened. I was a skyrim player for five more minutes after that when I gave up. I loved Morrowind so very much too, and the aesthetic side of it looked great.