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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. I had the same thing happen yesterday on another site. I think it's time for that certification thingy websites sometimes do.
  2. Unfortunately I cannot, as it tells me one can only have 26 characters.
  3. Thread moved since it's not ready for release yet.
  4. No one said space exploration was going to be safe.
  5. Please stop trying to tell mod makers what they should and shouldn't do with their mods. Your choices are only to use the mod or not, but it's not up to anyone else to insist on how it should be done. Some comments removed.
  6. How fast are you going when you trigger the parachute? It can be damaged by high speeds. And hello.
  7. Okay, you're welcome here.
  8. I don't know why this keeps getting personal. The sub isn't going to be closed anyway. Move on, please.
  9. Well, you are on a discussion board now. Hi.
  10. Don't make it personal. Some comments removed. As for this subforum, there's no harm in discussing with each other even if there are no devs to hear it.
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