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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. This discussion has diverged quite a bit from its parent thread and so has been moved to Suggestions & Development.
  2. That is a nice-looking model. Why not link some pics here at the forum itself? Shoppers like to see what they're buying.
  3. I made a trainer ship which launches as one unit and then can divide into 3, so you can practice just the last steps of docking without doing multiple launches. https://kerbalx.com/Vanamonde/M131-Docking-Trainer Might be useful?
  4. That craft looks a bit small, but it might be do-able. You can improve its fuel efficiency by putting some nosecones on those sidestacks, though. And you can probably add more fuel to them, since it seems to have a lot of thrust. Where in the process are you having trouble?
  5. Hello folks. This joke was my idea. If you're mad at anybody, be mad at me. The button was merely labeled "dislike" and was actually a second "like" button. The idea was that people trying to be grumpy gusses would just end up giving likes anyway. No malice involved. At any rate, it's gone now.
  6. If you wanted to practice manual docking, I made a practice ship. https://kerbalx.com/Vanamonde/M131-Docking-Trainer Launches as a single craft, then detaches smaller ships.
  7. Some content has been removed from this thread. Please discuss the topic rather than each other.
  8. Some content has been removed from this thread. PC players: please stop telling console players how they should feel. Everybody, including you, likes to vent about aspects of the game we find frustrating.
  9. No harm done. Welcome to the forum.
  10. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  11. The only destructible objects in the game are the craft players make and the buildings at KSC. As such, there is no way to perform this objective, and it therefore does not quality as a challenge.
  12. You're not missing anything. It's an annoying little glitch that comes up from time to time. Just removed the separators and attach them again.
  13. Some posts have been removed. The feuding between the platforms needs to stop, and the disdaining of people with differing opinions doesn't make things better for anybody. There's been a lot of this lately, and if it keeps up we'll have to start issuing warns.
  14. Modding question moved to the modding subforum. Carry on.
  15. Might I suggest this tutorial I made a while back? Well, I'm going to anyway.
  16. Seriously, guys. Even the jokey threads need to stay on topic or there's no point in having different threads. Some posts have been removed.
  17. Stop not complaining in the complaints thread.
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