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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Disclaimer: no Mun bases were exploded in the making of this video.
  2. Sounds like a bug rather than a gameplay question, and so your thread has been moved to Support. Good luck with your issue.
  3. SAS is not as effective at holding the roll axis as it used to be a few versions back.
  4. Rather than get mad at each other about the ins and outs of game coding, why don't we talk about additional facilities we might like to see added to KSC?
  5. We can't see the pics on your PC. You'll need to upload them to a sharing service such as Imgur.com and use the link they provide in your posts here.
  6. Nobody's stations do much. They're just fun to build and look at. Glad you're still enjoying the game.
  7. Don't worry about spoilering something everyone has known about for 5+ years.
  8. No, but you could just opt not to click on them.
  9. Please just use this thread for testing rather than joking around.
  10. When we decide something is of enough interest to enough people to warrant making them easier to find.
  11. That SSTO with the close curve wing is really nifty-looking.
  12. How about moving the part outward until it no longer overlaps the central column, and then enclosing the whole thing with a fairing during ascent?
  13. I can't find a screenshot so far, but how about that glitch where you turn a corner and find that your rover headlights are illuminating an entire planet from the surface of its moon?
  14. As Stone Blue says, St4rdust is the Squad CM and they're looking for a Private Division CM as well.
  15. Here's a way to figure that out. http://ksp.olex.biz/ The answer is to launch when Duna is about 75 degrees ahead of Kerbin. Oh, and thread moved to Gameplay Questions, since it is seeking help rather than offering it.
  16. I think it can be automated or done manually. Several Squad staffers have access to it, but the posts are usually written and submitted by the CMs.
  17. Thread sanitized for your protection. Now play nice, please.
  18. Count them next time. Shouldn't have changed.
  19. Those are some nice landers, but if I may offer a suggestion: they'll be easier to land if you build them lower and wider.
  20. Clumsy method which works: launch and see how far you are from the target when you reach its orbit, revert, wait until the target is that distance from KSC, then launch for realsies.
  21. Welcome to the forum, Flibble. Why do you make things so hard on yourself? With the no reverts and realism and stuff?
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