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Everything posted by Panichio

  1. ??? ??? This looks awesome! Downloading it straight away. Thanks!
  2. That\'s beautiful. By the way, is that a GIF? It looks like the light around Kerbol is glowing...
  3. So, tell me, why is not possible to scale down the parts? Not complaining, just wondering.
  4. What? I didn\'t mean it like that, I was literally asking, not saying that it is easy. So judging by your response, it isn\'t that easy.
  5. Woah! Nice, does the rover actually work well on the moon? Like the rocket design.
  6. Why not? Is it that hard to do? Or do you just not want to?
  7. Can\'t wait for this pack to be finished but, it\'s very big and I was wondering of you were going to scale it down to real size? Then I can attach to the command module someone already made that is based of the dragon to the parts you are making.
  8. The Lunar Rover Exchange Here you can share any rovers you made and hopefully learn about designing a rover a little more. I\'ll start by sharing my rover: \'The Complete Failure That Isn\'t Even Worth Posting The Craft File\' The reason why it\'s a complete failure:
  9. Oh, sorry. See I know nothing about everything so I didn\'t know what a mirror was lol but thanks for not insulting my stupidity like some other people on the forums do to people who ask stupid questions.
  10. I already had a go making my own rover with these...didn\'t last very long unfortunately. Unfortunately I landed on the dark side and it\'s a bit hard to see the rover wheels. It was fun while it lasted... ...Until I accidentally accelerated off a cliff side and kept pressing the wrong buttons as I mashed the keyboard But at least they survived!
  11. Cool, challenge, I\'ll give it a go. Oh and welcome to the forums!
  12. 'Error (509) This account\'s public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!' Heh? This - this can\'t be happening...NOOO!!! After my computer\'s hard drive crashed and I lost everything :\'( I needed to download all the mods again, and now when I do...this?! Wow... my luck lately...
  13. When I download it, I get a PHP file called index, what do I do?
  14. When I download it, I don\'t know how to open the program? Which file do I click on? Nothing seems to work.
  15. Can\'t wait for the Atlas V, but one thing, I don\'t know if it\'s just me, but the SLS was impossible to control. I couldn\'t get it into an orbit let alone to the moon, it always goes one way and I can\'t control it. Any thoughts?
  16. Oh yeah, good point. That would look much better.
  17. Damn! What were you doing in space for 26 days? Was Jeb doing the calculations for the TMI :-\? Hmm?
  18. I don\'t think it\'s possible to use the mun\'s gravity to slingshot you back to earth, the gravity isn\'t strong enough.
  19. Operation: No Kerbal Left Behind During an attempt at a TKI, our return ship ran out of fuel and 3 kerbanauts are now stuck in an orbit around Kerbin. The Periapsis of their orbit is at 1,807,300m and the Apoapsis at 9,283,300m. Your mission is simple, achieve that same orbit, and rendezvous with the capsule then bring em\' back home. Hurry, there isn\'t much time before there oxygen runs out. We estimate they have about 3 days to live. Rules: 1. It is extremely difficult to get exactly that orbit so I\'ll allow your Periapsis and Apoapsis to have a maximum of 100m difference to the ones that the capsule is orbiting at. 2. Only Vanilla, any Nova Silisko parts, Deusoverkill\'s Soyuz parts, and any other part as long as it is not a fuel tank, engine, or solar collector. (If you think any other parts should be allowed, let me now). 3. The time taken to get into the orbit can\'t take more than 3 days. 4. After getting into the orbit you must orbit once, then successfully return to Kerbin. 5. You can\'t edit the CFG file. 6. Finally, you must have proof that you achieved all goals and followed all the rules with pictures or a video...or both if you want . (You don\'t need to take a picture of the CFG file as proof you didn\'t edit it). By the way, this actually happened to me, here\'s some pictures of the capsule stuck in space:
  20. Actually, a pack for some parts to make a little rover to explore the moon would be awesome! Do you think you could make some for the next update?
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