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Everything posted by Panichio

  1. Wow, if I were lucky I would probably only manage to get into a pretty bad Munar orbit. Good job flying it to the Mun and back.
  2. Some people like me just lurk because we don\'t know what to say. Or don\'t want to say just \'cool\'.
  3. Did you edit the CFG\'s or get some cheaty parts for this? That rocket looks way to small to do that.
  4. I found out about this game on a YouTube video by BarryDennen12. Been playing since July 13th 2012!
  5. Very nice! I should start making my own \'massive plane\' or some sort of flagship now.
  6. That actually is a very nice design! All NovaPunch?
  7. Woah... I\'m going to try that later today. I\'m still trying to get some of those 2m habitation modules out of the solar system though.
  8. I also have the RRV fully Functional. I hope to hurry with the TKS development and release a beta version with simple textures for all you folks that have been wanting it. http://youtu.be/HpetQoh-6ls That looks great! At least someone is now making it!
  9. The solar panel textures look a little - um... weird. Otherwise, great pack!
  10. Deadalus might not be the most fitting name for a Munar craft but still, very nice design!
  11. You are about as obsessed with flagships now than I am with rovers!
  12. Nice. Can it also make the return trip back to Kerbin?
  13. It\'s pretty fun to launch yourself at Earth or the Mun an bounce back! Do you plan to carry on with this game?
  14. Damn... It feels awesome just seeing pictures of that thing. You must feel like a bad ass getting that thing into orbit.
  15. The best looking plane I\'ve ever seen on the forums.
  16. That explosion was glorious!
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