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Everything posted by Panichio

  1. We need a Martin Luther King Jr. impersonator to read this... =P
  2. My favorite band of all time is Led Zeppelin! Just recently though I have been listening to a lot of Budgie. Also a rhythm guitarist in a band myself... I don\'t think anyone\'s going to guess...tell me! =P EDIT: Wait! It\'s Vanquish!! ...right?
  3. Because he\'s gone...well - I hope not anyway, maybe just for a while.
  4. ??? So much weight! How did you fly that thing? I\'m still trying to complete your challenge to get out of the solar system with those habitation modules...and I only have nine of em\'.
  5. Nah bro...over here but slightly further up and just a little to the right.
  6. Yes...I still don\'t understand the whole pony thing...stop it.
  7. Woah...I thought you could just have one really good computer to do all of those things...
  8. I think the ultimate Munar exploration challenge would be to drop of a satellite, scientific instrument of some kind and a rover...then get back to Kerbin!
  9. Wow...looking at all these ships in the spacecraft exchange just makes me realize how much I suck at making ships...
  10. I\'d like to try make a drop ship like that but don\'t know how to use the C7 RCS. Also, the node just doesn\'t work.
  11. Awesome, groundhog will love this!
  12. I just realized, I don\'t post much. I only look at everything...
  13. Cool, but isn\'t that just a re texture of the RCS tank and a change of the config file?
  14. Yes! Finally I will be allowed to test it...soon...
  15. That looks cool, I have to get around to making my own Munar base.
  16. I got a start. Nine habitation modules but I just couldn\'t get enough thrust to escape Kerbol. Oh well for the very first design I think it went very well. Should I burn at Ap or Pe for maximum efficiency?
  17. Why is no one posting these in the C-7 Space Plane Exchange topic?
  18. Those are the coolest rockets I have ever seen on the forums...awesome job Syrsa! Those textures are just the icing on the cake...
  19. Does 80% of your posts just come from posting this message to every new user =P
  20. Pushing hard to to get into orbit Time for TMI On the way... .. for a crash landing Got into an orbit and had some fuel left. Better bring more stuff next time. Deploying satellites: 6... 12... some more... more... the kluster is deployed! Got back with enough fuel for a point landing. Aiming really hard. Close enough! Imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/VDNee#12 Well shiver me timbers and call me Woody! That\'s amazing!
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