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Everything posted by Panichio

  1. But that\'s only worth 80 points...oh well it\'s a start.
  2. Haha I love it. I know the three wolf thing wouldn\'t usually be in 1366x768<--(I think that\'s it) but I would love it if maybe you extended the night sky to the sides so it would fit nicely as a desktop background.
  3. I\'m close enough...Chicago Illinois although I was born in Germany but grew up in New Zealand and England.
  4. Nice, thanks for the help. Seems as though most of these pictures are taken at night, did you know when you are landed and stationary, you can warp? Sometimes it won\'t let you when SAS is on though.
  5. Awesome, I\'ve been thinking of doing a mission like this. I\'ll start building my own rocket now.
  6. Yeah, is it difficult to get that rover on the mun?
  7. Why did I not back up my computer? I ended up losing a little more than my crafts lol...
  8. Well it doesn\'t have to drive on wheels, it could be what you suggested, a rover that moves on a sled.
  9. That is probably the most useful thing I have heard of in a while, thanks!
  10. Someone needs to make special parts for a rover.
  11. What? A vacation is good, why do you cry about it?
  12. Oooh, I like the sound of a rover. Definitely try and release one in the next update if you can.
  13. Are you going to post the .craft file? My imagination can\'t think of something so cool.
  14. First stage. 4x huge 3-meter monster engines. Keeping it from tearing itself apart with standing wave vibrations takes a lot of practice. I start out at full blast and throttle back as the fuel runs out. Dumping stage 1. Stage 2 is a set of solid boosters. We\'re out of atmo here, so control is easier, but takes up a ton of RCS fuel. I actually tacked this stage on a previous (much smaller) mun lander, to give it the extra lifting capacity. Dumping stage 2. In a highly-elliptical almost-orbit at this point. Stage 3 gets me the rest of the way to a munar intercept orbit (or whatever it\'s called). The orbital service module is a hell of a lot bigger than the one from Apollo. I\'ll probably stick some habitation modules, solar panels, and antenna later. The orbiter module gets left in orbit. All that\'s left is the station module and the 2-stage return module. Here we go people. This is not a drill! Touchdown. Big station. Plenty of room for activities. Big upward-facing antennae for calling home. Loads of sensors, living quarters, etc. Serves a permanent crew of 6, with cramped but serviceable accommodations for maybe a dozen. Mun buggy not included (someone should get on that). There is a return module, but I didn\'t get to try an ascent, because when I time-dilated (in order to get some sunrise shots),the station fell through the munar floor. Very annoying. I\'ll try again later. Some of my previous (smaller) moon landings that used the same return module have returned safely, so I\'m not particularly worried. Holy crap... wish I had an imagination like you...
  15. Post a .craft file with that decoupler and I\'ll give it a go.
  16. Could you write about getting back to Kerbin from a Kerbol orbit? I can never get back...
  17. Well that\'s not a challenge anymore really...
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