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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  • Interests
    Racing, Space, Cars, Engineering, Physics
  1. Thank you SOOO MUCH! I can't even enjoy KSP without KIS or KAS THANK YOU AGAIN literally revived my 7 year old account to come look for this. Thank you again.
  2. Career mode is trying to kill my interest in KSP, Sandbox is saving it.

  3. Just a place where I shall put my videos and pictures and streams and run on sentences. Enjoy, or don't. I dont care
  4. Going to design an "asteroid lander" soon; will post video of my attempt; good or bad Not Landed yet; just video
  5. So with the use of a couple different missions I've taken an asteroid from the orbit of the sun; entered it into an LKO on an equatorial orbit; its not a perfect orbit but it'll do for easy return missions. My next Idea is to use a ship/claw with a crap ton of parachutes and land it on Kerbin; possibly near the Launch Pad. Any Suggestions? The asteroid weighs in at 39.65 tons. How many parachutes do you think I'll need?
  6. Gonna try that when I get off work, does having the ASAS Horizontal work better?
  7. BECAUSE HE CAN. "why make a game where you build rockets with no real objectives, only ones that you make for yourself" oh thats KSP isnt it?
  8. What kind of CPU do you have where you can handle all that?
  9. I try to cancel my horizontal velocity around 10k when approaching the Mun. But my Mun Base's altitude is like 4k.
  10. Ship is beautiful, keep inspiring me, I might have to make one similar.
  11. well done, Scott's tutorials helped immensely when I first started.
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