So, what do you guys thing about Elite 1.0? I so far sold my free Eagle, got Hauler, and quickly worked my way to Cobra with a decent fit. Now I'm cruising near Sol hunting for everything with wanted status. I got my money worth already I tell you what! Flying from my starting system to Sol was a great adventure, and now I'm really enjoying the combat in Cobra. Maybe my ship cant do the "backflip" like in a cgi trailer, but it still flies great and shooting things is dynamic and fun as hell. Sure, the new Elite could use many improvements (more social stuff, station chat, 3p view of some sort) and I`m sure we will get them in the future. I think Elite is a very unique game, one of the kind at the moment - and I can understand that some features that makes it unique can be boring or tedious for newcomers (lots of ppl hate docking for example but I find it very entertaining). Summing up - it was a good release and the game has a potential to grow even bigger and better. I think now I wil head out to Eranin - my cool old Beta 1 starting system