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Everything posted by mordin86

  1. Well I rather not - AAA KSP would be full of microtransactions and 19,99 USD DLC`s
  2. yes you can travel to Earth and ANYWHERE else you want in our galaxy - literally. The game is in gamma now and will release on 16th november as I remember. Unfortunately it lacks some crucial features like social tools, proper root planing and easter fitting and searching modules feature. Its still very amazing space game imo, and will get better in the future.
  3. Nice, is Cobra a starting ship for kickstarter backers?
  4. I risked it but it was worth it for me - the beta. I will be much cheaper soon after the release. Sure, but I`m waiting for the release - dont want to loose everything due to the final wipeout of assets
  5. Yea it looks like a pay to winn to be honest - you can buy credits with real money ect. I prefer Elite approach to this - selling only custom skins ect.
  6. Funny thing - now looks like I have no choice. My friend got me AC pass and some small ship as a gift. Now I have to wait like 4-6 hours for the bloody thing to download - its better be good lol.
  7. The always online thing does not bother me much personally, but I can see why people are upset about this. I just hope that ED servers will be stable. What worries me more is the current state of the universe - yes its vast and beautiful but it just feels "empty" and lifeless. After my first "wow this is so awesome" moment came the cold shower - the ED universe feels like randomly generated systems and stations floating out there, I cant immerse myself enough into it without any story or events. Sure I will be still playing heck out of it and staring at various spacescapes but what about new players that aint that much into exploring? I`m seriously worried about future player base and funding for Elite. I guess no matter what I always have to get back to EVE online to get my space mmo fix (dont even tell me obout Star Citizen nonsense, dont even - I won't touch it unless they actually show something apart from FPS part of the game )
  8. Elite: Dangerous launches 16.12.14 : https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=56452
  9. Yes - first Amnesia, Penumbra serie and Alien Isolation.
  10. first look vid from Mackscorner, very funny to watch:
  11. I`m looking forward to this game, so far it looks interesting, like SP version of EVE.
  12. Not really, its made in UK by Frontier Developments
  13. I only play sandbox to be honest. I tried career some time ago and it was fin, but not kept me playing for long. So the best thing for me in 0.25 is the new space plane parts
  14. Game is finally playable and looks nice. And yea, there is a lot to do in Elite now.
  15. I`m really really frustrated now - the game was looking perfect (graphics) and now they messed with some settings and added this hideous blur bloom nonsense. It can't be turned off completely, my eyes are hurting from reading blurred hud, I don't know what happened. A second a go fix was deployed and it fixed ctd and disconnect issue - and that's great. But the game visuals are still totally broken for nvidia users.
  16. I still have the broken 2.02 version
  17. you are lucky if you can play it with no problems and yes, I want to see some shots so go ahead
  18. Still mostly unplayable with horrendous shader/graphics issues all over the place. C mon Frontier, I need my Elite fix now!
  19. Frontier is aware of all those problems, so I hope for the fix today
  20. Unfortunately for me (and apparently lots of people) new beta is unplayable. I have encounter every possible bug so I will wait untill Frontier fix it.
  21. Really? Oh well, all night flying and collecting gold for nothing lol... No matter what, I want the new beta NOW!
  22. I`m having some ctd problems with this version as well, but i`m pretty sure they will fix the issue soon. (the updates are very often).
  23. Right now my simulation of choice for civil planes is X-plane 10. I was FSX user for many years but I finally made a switch. With few payware addons I`m having a blast - so far my most realistic and "professional" experience in flight sims. And for modern military planes and helicopters there is only one answer imo - DCS World. I got almost all modules for it and I`m loving all of em. For WWII its propably new Il-2 sim, but I haven't tried it yet.
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