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Everything posted by drwolf

  1. i whas inspider by croshunter plane. it flys at 2 mph but it will just keep going. i love this mod im just going to have to put a satalit in the red planits orbit naw. thanks for all the hard werk 9/10.
  2. i think that is part of the mission planning.
  3. i\'m looking forward to seeing it land on the red planet.
  4. very impressive. love to see your red planet mishon when whe get 0.17.
  5. NovaSilisko posted this in http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=17563.135
  6. is not the problem with planets like this, when thay go behind the gas giant the tempricher drops to below freezing. its hard for life to evolve on a plant that goes from tropical to antarctic in les then a month?.
  7. like this inert hyperlink it just next to insert image.
  8. it makes more commercial sense to have a solo system like ar one. as it will attracts a lot of people that would like to explore the solo sistem ore one like it and dont forget that squad sed thay will add a solositem editor.
  9. what the heck are the landing struts made from kerbal?.
  10. love it 4.5* (* never give them 5 next thay will wont 6.) that a shame :\'( . the song and vidoe ar a perfect complement to each other.
  11. brilliant video . i think it need sume music. :-[ to go with the dancing rocket. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/108675
  12. we all have our talents. and here is my landing. : forgot to post it. got distracted, playing with planes.
  13. well i did it i landed albatross hmm i did foget to tern off the ADVSAS :\'( but a landing is still a landing =P if you can walk away from it hehe. i put a ADVSAS on the plane as i whas not going to sit there and wait for it to run aut of fual so i put it on autopilot and got my self a drink 8). one thing to note the plane will still explode if i land on the runway ??? dont now why so if you wont to fly my plane dont land on the runway. OH and befor i forget here is the mark 03 for you.
  14. :\'( hm..there\'s good eating ov a albatross. i like it i whas thinking about nameing it clint eastwood, but i like albatross. i named my rocket plane seagull so it fits. Albatross\'s landings are not going so well crashed on the runway like wilie coyote on a rocket.
  15. terrifying jeb is always fun. i can naw land it, but the answer to the problem hm. well i think im cheating. i dont need the big rockets lol i just like adding rockets to stuff. oh and i still need a name for the plane......
  16. i like the walpaper. i think this quote would go well with your pick :-[. 'It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to, than I have ever known.' - charles dickens
  17. well.......im werking on that problem. i think next time i\'ll open the parachutes.
  18. looking forward to your next video and what you will come up with when they add more planets.
  19. well you now by naw i like to build craze plans and this one needs a name. it will fly a long why on 2 tanks of fuel at 10.000m. its extremely unstable when the fuel runs out. i got this far befor runing aut of fuel at 90% throttle. oh and landing you say. landing i say lol thats what the parachutes are for. happy crash landings.
  20. there one meter tall alion\'s why cant a femail karbal be a nomal kerbal in a blonde wig. no one complains about raving rabbids and minions. you just assume thay have two sexes.
  21. because space is vast and empty?.
  22. i think it\'s good i\'m all for equality.
  23. here it is. and thanks for the reply. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=15376.msg231569#msg231569
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