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Everything posted by bigyihsuan

  1. In my opinion, I feel that Windows 8 is just Windows 7 with a Start Menu that has absolutely no use. I rarely use the Start Menu to do most of my computer stuff, so the Start Menu, IMO, is completely useless.
  2. Granted, but you now type 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 letters per googolplex years. I wish to replace all nouns with "fail."
  3. Granted, but you get taken away by THE BIRD! KILL IT! I wish for something that removes everything from existence.
  4. Both. The user below me is about to eat food right now.
  5. Do you mean a version that lowers the recommended specs? Then yes.
  6. I do. I want to know who else plays KSP on a below-spec computer. What I mean is that your computer specs are under the recommended specs on the main site.
  7. Does smiling count? Then I immediately lost.
  8. Granted, but your underlings dethrone you. I wish for a better computer that CANNOT explode, catch on fire, splinter into pieces, generate acid, cause seizures, or otherwise mentally or physically injure, kill, maim, etc. myself, anyone else, or anything that has ever existed in fiction, real life, theories, the Internet, etc. (Going for the impossible-to-corrupt wish)
  9. False? The user below knows Chinese.
  10. Which is the same laptop that I play KSP on.
  11. I have an Acer AO722, AMD C-60 APU with Radeon HD graphics, 4 GB RAM, Windows 7, 64-bit version. (Well, I mean MODDED Minecraft, using the Feed the Beast Launcher for a bunch of Forge mods)
  12. Granted, but you forget what you want to wish for. I DON'T wish.
  13. I love Minecraft, but my computer is not good enough to run it smoothly... House Preferences: A house on top of an Extreme Hill, with a mine shaft ALL the way down to diamond level. The only time I legitly found diamonds was on 0.5.0 Pocket Edition. I really need to improve on my mining technique. I also like modded Minecraft.
  14. Granted, but you get crushed by the sun's gravity. I wish.
  15. Um.... I would prefer if you stuck to REAL history, please.
  16. WWI would'ven't (would have not) happened and caused WWII to be "The Great War."
  17. Granted, but it's a cursed chair and curses you when you sit on it. I wish for a paradoxical paradox that makes my head explode form the extreme thinking rates about thinking about paradoxical paradoxes that make you wish for more paradoxes.
  18. Self-explanatory. What would happen if an event in history (within all of Earth's history) did not happen/did something different/etc.? Post your speculations below!
  19. Granted, but the college is called "The Institute for Removing All Knowledgez." I wish for a wish.
  20. LOL... I had some weird WTH moment for KSP 0.15.2. I was trying to get a make-shift space shuttle named "Space Shuttle I" into orbit, but I kept failing horribly. Using the NovaPunch mod, a radial parachute mod and stock parts, I made a decent space shuttle. On my first attempt, the shuttle flew backwards and up into the air, making me eject the external fuel tank. Alas, the shuttle flipped upside down and took a nosedive straight into the ground. Bill, Jeb and Bob did not survive. In my next attempt, I added two of the smallest solid boosters that I could find onto the back of the shuttle next to the tail fin. The shuttle did the exact opposite of Attempt #1. The external fuel tank clipped the launch tower and nosedived into the ground. For some odd reason the shuttle went straight through the ground and nosedived into some water underneath the Space Center. O_O Attempt #3: I put two tail fins BUT one solid booster at the back of the shuttle. When I launched the shuttle, I got a perfect launch, that is, until I pressed the "S" key too many times. I did a vertical barrel roll and disconnected the external fuel tank. The "Space Shuttle I" nosedived into the ground (again) and everything exploded. I raged quit and went to get ice cream to eat. D:<
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