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Everything posted by rasheed

  1. I need the ACTUAL colour. There is a different between yellow and blue. Blue is liquid. Yellow seems solid powered. U can't change the blue colour to red or green etc. Unless u write a plugin
  2. Ermm, i don't think that actually changes the flame colour, tried it
  3. Yes, just yes for paintable solar panels. U need another seal of approval
  4. It has happened! nukes are in!! (hides in a fallout shelter)
  5. Wow tommygun, thanks for that link . Now i can make better looking cities
  6. You earned my seal of approval. My number of plugins installed increased by one
  7. Good concept but it won't work. Certain parts need Certain connections and etc. In this case its all interchangable and the companies working together? lolno, they would just copy the styles and etc. What do u think?
  8. Granted, u get bacon (proceeds to put poison in it) BACON IS SERVED TO CAPTAIN. I wish for a wish that makes a wish thta wishes a wish that makes a wish that makes a wish that wishes wishes.
  9. A module docking to ISS. Cant remember what it was, i think it was harmony
  10. or that sketchup comes with a .dae exporter. I simply imported the dae into unity
  11. I started developing first! But u posted first
  12. The guy who made Resizable tanks made this. This is not pointless.
  13. Man i havnt use this in a while. Changing atmospheric properties sounds awesome > time to strip laythe clean of air EDIT: found out that it doesnt change the visual colour of the atmo. Hope thats being worked on
  14. My probe falling from the tower after accidently placing it too close to the edge. There goes my multi million dollar Camera taking machine ;-;
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