unless the amount of players would be small and there would be designated warp times for example, every 15-20mins there would be a warp or the server admin/mod would just have access to the warp speed
I've been doing some work with my Astron-1 observatory platform, this time more arch shots at incredible distances (also take into account that I was orbiting at an altitude of 40km) I managed to take a couple pics of the first arch, and here is my distance from the arch arch 2: and here is my viewfinder relative to the arch
by "it doesn't actually work for viewing the mun" do you mean that when looking at the moon there is no zoom compared to the view finder? or is the zoom only in effect when you are viewing your surroundings on kerbin?
ah! a contender! I have actually made the same telescope (minus the hinge, and it's space based) I have had one on my LunoStancaya-2 station and it helped me discover the second munar arch (gif will be up shortly) cameras have managed to take this breathtaking series of shots detailing a newly discovered geological structure on the Mun
it's kosmos mostly, but it relies on the Novapunch pack to just get the thing into munar orbit, and it uses a bunch of miscellaneous mods to do awesome stuff up there (like its detachable, rocket propelled impact probe with cameras)
So I have this TKS spacecraft(below): trying to dock with this space station(below): I have both of them at the same altitude(accurate to within +/- 10/20 meters) but the TKS is over 50km behind the orbit of the station so how do I rendezvous the two crafts?
no I'm trying to MAKE a gif well, kinda, I merely imported an already created gif into gimp, I just want to add filters and such gimp just breaks gifs down into separate layers(frames)