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Everything posted by KAO

  1. sigh, if only control surface hydraulics ate up electricity
  2. that's pretty much it, I made it that way purely for aesthetics. If it weren't for an extremely soft landing, I might have tipped over. That would have been because the beams don't dampen impact, and they would've simply tried to bounce off the ground from the landing. one could probably get around this with downward facing seperatrons
  3. loitering in orbit, about to depart departure! four parachutes later, I think I brought too much fuel. Oh well. night time excursion: of course what base is complete without mode of transportation? this need set off the development of a string of rovers. Shown here being tested on the Mun by Jeb is the RX-2 (background is ancient descent stage with detached science equipment) some time later, RX-2B arrives at Duna now that looks more like a base I'm at a loss as to what else I should add to this base, throw an idea!
  4. Nazari, you seem to be missing a description of what the mod is, as well as a download link.
  5. 16 times the weight of a normal tank?! I guess there goes that plan then...
  6. have you tried pressing caps lock for fine controls?
  7. I would like to make a tank or tanks specifically for the storage of intake air so I may make functional jets on planets such as Duna. Can this be done? would a jet getting its intake air from a tank even work on Duna? and how much intake air would be optimal for a tank?
  8. Bill and Jeb's Excellent Adventure
  9. how come YOU have such nice screenshots?! what are your video settings?
  10. KAO


    switched to a 6870 I think it was and now game is seamless
  11. I've been having something of a problem ever since I installed FAR; whenever I do CTRL + Z (undo), it does the undo function several times. So instead of having the part I just put down deleted, I am forced to return to the craft that I was working on 30 seconds in the past.
  12. KAO


    odd, I've never seen this. Whenever parts from my ships decouple they are still very much aflame
  13. what about your processor? or it may be your graphics card things like RAM are less important unless you know you have physically run out of RAM
  14. looks like something to test presence of centrifugal force in the stock wheels
  15. they may serve a function in some distant future, but right now they're aesthetic. I think there's a mod that utilizes them as means of communications
  16. does the game lag for you overall? or only when you look at the Kerbin horizon? that's what was happening to me, my machine had trouble handling the ocean but was fine with everything else. In the config there is a setting that goes something like KerbinOceanMaxSubdivision, if you want smooth gameplay change the values for all three of those to 1
  17. or just use the arrows above the right alt key
  18. Bop Landscape (note the strange dot in the dark patch slightly to the left of the center): Kosmos-ExpiDuna: First successful manned landing on Duna. That wretched ship killed 4 generations of Kermans before the current iteration proved to be successful
  19. that could be three different mods BACE Kosmos ExPI
  20. because of Gilly's irregular orbit mechjeb has been of no use I can of course try manual, but at what position does the craft and Gilly have to be for a transfer burn?
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