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Everything posted by KAO

  1. download the part, go to the cfg, add module internal and for the internal space put the Hitchiker's internal down in that field
  2. so anybody wanna tell me what's going on in this one? Anyways, so I built this gorgeous two story kerbal/vehicle transporter and flew it to the medium size off-shore island north-east of the KSC. I landed, placed one of my crew in the second story of the plane and took off. on takeoff, there was a series of like 10 explosions, so I leveled my flight and opened the tail to check it out and this ended up happening screenshot49 by moon-man1, on Flickr screenshot50 by moon-man1, on Flickr screenshot56 by moon-man1, on Flickr
  3. it has begun.... aw yisssss, now we'll have HD everything
  4. you add RGB noise and play around with the saturation I suppose
  5. the flattest I think would be that large dark canyon
  6. sure is, you can sashay on over to the add-ons section and check it out
  7. this has only been happening to me lately when switching scenes(i.e from SPH to VAB), it passes after 10 seconds... but still, that's 7 seconds too long
  8. are there plans to create a tail with a ramp for the S2 and S2-Wide series?
  9. view from within the the shuttle cockpit upon departure Jeb's view totally gonna make it Jeb has arrived
  10. nah, all you have to do is make a copy of the HL Tail ramp and set a new rescale factor, 0.6 works well enough. Then just cover up the gaps with whatever you find best.
  11. I was thinking I just prep a care package filled with RTG's or solar panels that are modded so I can pick them up and attach them with KAS
  12. there is no reason to beat a dead horse, that's why. Squad has openly stated "we shall not be incorporating multiplayer until the game is done" wanna talk about multiplayer? there's several threads in the add-ons section for that
  13. been using bobcats ATV seats for the IVA lately lately sent a rover up to my mun base of all the things to forget, I forget a power source. No panels, no RTG's, the best I can do is hook it up to the base and wait a munar day cycle for it to recharge.
  14. of the top of my head, I remember there was much celebration after that plugin that one guy made that would slow down time if the game lagged was incorporated into the game
  15. I loved that video and I'm guessing it shows a lot of crashes because that is a better hook to advertise the game, it shows that not only can you build your own ships, you can also destroy them in a realistic physics engine it would be more difficult to convey the satisfaction of landing a rover or successfully getting a crew to another planet
  16. Bobcat, is it possible to update the "seat" that was released a while ago (I think it was the one that was released alongside the motorcycles)? or is it not possible because of the sfrmodule1 plugin being outdated? would I have to consult the maker of that plugin on this issue?
  17. sure! http://www./view/2w24p0xp00xfrsj/JoolExplorer-3.craft it'll need bobcat's historical pack though, and I think I used a KW decoupler somewhere in there http://www./view/isxa21sq1blk5s7/JoolExplorer-2.craft this is the rover vehicle. It's a very old craft file and when I opened it recently I found that I was missing 2 old KSPX parts, also you'll need an outdated mechjeb part. It's a cool rover, just if you want to open it you'll have to go on a scavenger hunt.
  18. ah! finally seeing the ol' N1 again months after seeing the teaser. This will be great for the heavy stuff
  19. my first Mun expedition in .21, I saw this as the shutters popped off the windows later on the surface
  20. I'm glad they didn't forget to add it this time, we were supposed to get it in 0.20
  21. the old dynamic warp still works, a new one would be redundant
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