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Everything posted by KAO

  1. arriving at Skelton from Erin in retrospect, I don't think I should've put the ion engines on the thing, I had enough fuel left in the tanks to land whole rocket (it tipped over though) the leftover ion-engine base now makes for a pretty nifty looking antenna!
  2. KAO

    Storage pods?

    this isn't in the wrong forum, the guy is just asking for a mod or two payload SHROUDS http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51037 or http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/39512 cargo BAYS (like what the shuttle has) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25241 cargo container boxes, put things in them, take them out, and have a kerbal stick them on your ship or station http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53134
  3. was exiting Erin's sphere of influence and grabbed a Pock flyby on the way, good opportunity for pictures well it's not called Pock for nothing, so many craters Erin as seen from Pock after leaving Erin, its gravity snagged me on the way out and sent me into a direct collision course with Sentar. Sentar is a big and scary place what actually looked nice during atmospheric entry quickly became dark and ominous as I entered the clouds and the sunlight began to vanish
  4. how would a rover fare on this planet? I'm afraid the slightest bump could send me flying
  5. ok, so I have this planet dubbed by the Kerbin Astronomical Society as "Inaccessable", a notion I set out to disprove. at 30km in diameter, it is extremely tiny, giving it a gravity comparable to Bop or Gilly. But here's the tricky part, as you can see in the picture, it's wider at its equator than it is from pole to pole. So its rotational velocity is INSANE, trying to land conventionally would be akin to slowly putting your hand into a running blender. my first attempt I got really close to the ground after zeroing my surface velocity, but when you're that close to the ground it's like gravity is reversed and the planet is falling from under me. On my second attempt I realized that pointing retrograde to surface velocity is pointing prograde to orbital velocity! how do I master this planet?!
  6. Moho Probe screenshot90 by moon-man1, on Flickr
  7. DeepSpace-2b arriving at Sentar system, this version featuring the Verrier descent probe Verrier decoupled and set to hit atmosphere of the moon Erin hours ahead of DeepSpace-2b. Visible in background is the sub-moon, Pock nighttime on Erin: one of the more breathtaking moments was the morning after touchdown, visible are many of the moons (not seen is Pock, which I couldn't get into the frame) here is the original ultra-high resolution 6400x4000 version http://www.flickr.com/photos/64884362@N08/10767714333/sizes/o/in/photostream/
  8. once KSP upgrades to 64-bit, how much RAM usage will it be allowed?
  9. shown here is the DeepSpace-2 spacecraft orbiting a newly discovered comet. Ascension, looking like a dirty snowball, has an apoapsis twice the radius of Jool, and grazes the Sun at its periapsis. Unfortunately, there was a severe solar storm at the time of transmission and the pictures got a bit corrupted Kerbin was hit even worse, this is a transmission from Skylab-5 during time of docking with new crew, as captured on EVA but really, somehow these pictures got corrupted in real life, these aren't after-effects
  10. 1. it's very nice to see that DEADBEEF's old mods stand the test of time, we need to see more of that guy! he just popped in for like a couple weeks and released 2 gamechanging plugins that even startled the devs (editor tools, this) 2. what is different in this version? somebody made a version for .21 and it still works fine. Actually, my old 20.2 version still works!
  11. this would be sound advice unless you're building grand space stations and ground bases that specifically require all these various functional "cosmetic" parts.
  12. if there is no download then why is it in this forum?
  13. is the multiple modules (ex. multiple lights, wheels, etc) going to be fixed in the next version? also, I can't seem to get my parts to attach any other way but radially, what am I doing wrong?
  14. theres a mod in the add-on development forum. Adds city lights as well as clouds. That's Laythe in the pictures.
  15. "salvaging" Argon Probe model 5 screenshot87 by moon-man1, on Flickr
  16. I'm afraid that having the clouds render one more than one planet might cause lag problems for me, do the clouds and lights on kerbin still render if I were, say, in interplanetary space?
  17. forget what I said, I took an mk1 pod and waited for it to run out of oxygen, it took a while for him to die once the resources were gone, I don't have specific data yet thankfully the latest dev build didn't break my save
  18. so I'm using the latest dev build version and I still can't get the kerbals to die when they run out of oxygen or there's too much carbon dioxide what am I doing wrong?!
  19. cool probe type landing in Eve's southern pole Gilly's gravity is so weak I can land on it with argon ion engines sorry for lighting, I just really like the effect the clouds make experimental VASMIR probe, couldn't go interplanetary
  20. OP you are confused, the number increments between game versions doesn't mean that we'll see every number up to 1.00. They could stop at version 0.29 or 0.30 and decide to release it then. Just because it looks like a final version should be labeled 1.00 doesn't mean it has to be, and chances are that it wont be, by the looks of things, it would take many years for them to get all the way up to 1.00 if they were to go up 0.01 every time.
  21. I'm having trouble actually getting the kerbals to die, what's up with that?
  22. Kerbin, with lights, and clouds Screenshot1 by moon-man1, on Flickr
  23. fully constructed Skylab-4, no longer solar panel dependent.
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