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Everything posted by Fyzzi

  1. Why does this seem to me like you just want to tell us your brand new PC specs?
  2. Always have in mind, that interplanetary rockets do not have to be so huge because you use the most of the fuel to get into the Kerbin orbit... from there, even just a little impulse does pretty much and I believe that you can build pretty small rocket that will get you where you need to... the return is the second issue though but if you combine this with refueling mode (see addon releases), you can make orbital refueling station and refuel just before you head to the other planet... I think this would be most effective AND controllable way
  3. The same for me ... And what about 0.17 and other planets combined with this awesome Tiberion's pack? WHOA jesus... killin' me even more
  4. I guess they will but the thrust/consumption and fuel model has changed a bit in 0.16 so obviously NovaPunch has to change as well... at least this is what I understood from Tiberion's posts NovaPunch is looking pretty much like real rocket parts so I guess Tiberion will want to keep their performance to stay that way as well, so I think we don't have to worry about how it will develop
  5. Sounds pretty promising... this might come handy when they release 0.17 with new planets and moons as an orbital fuel replenishment station good job and thanks...
  6. It does, although I would recommend you to wait a bit for the new version of this pack to be released as it will be optimized (the parts performance) for the 0.16... but yep, it works
  7. Even at your first launch? Because many of us (like me) are having there crashes at the second or more launches as the game issues a memory error... many of these memory crashing bugs might be solved in the future... right now, as the game is in the debugging state all the time, it is totally not optimized
  8. The same for me mate... I can't wait for next NovaPunch update to be released... and thank YOU Tiberion that you started working on that so quickly... you are our KSP alpha savior... And just a bit of a notification... Tiberion, links in your "signature" do not work anymore, so you might want to change them
  9. Don\'t you already have the not released 0.16.1 version? Because here at my clean OR EVEN patched version of KSP 0.16 ain\'t any of these... good work Ddavis... good thing that someone\'s made his time to rescale these obviously missing parts
  10. The same happened to me, but it seems like guys from SQUAD just changed the 'connection' simulation. Even if I try to do that with stock parts, this issue happens, mostly because your connected stages are more powerful than the one they are connected to and so they tend to sort of rip off the spaceplane... I guess that one possible solution could be to increase strength of the radial decouplers, so that they would be able to sustain that much of a power instability... for now, you can try attaching more struts between these stages... that might possibly help...
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