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Everything posted by Fyzzi

  1. Fyzzi


    Hello there, Seb Good to hear (/read ) you decided to join our community... I hope you're gonna like it and wish your Kerbals good luck )
  2. It should be in your "propulsion" tab in VAB (construction building)...it's simply long, wide orange tank...
  3. Fyzzi


    Ello dere mon... Hope you enjoy the rest of your life with this community
  4. I am SO goin' to apply! in fact I've already done this challenge many times in 0.21.1... I'll try to make some video just a bit of tweaking to be able to get more points
  5. Hello there, fellow engineer 44 hrs ain't that bad, after just a few weeks I hope you're gonna enjoy your stay with this great community and of course I wish you many successful missions...
  6. Welcome, Wallace Indeed KSP has almost no limits... Yet just imagine players, who start playing the game few months later... when we have resource gathering, asteroid belt, another (perhaps further away in the Kerbol system) gas giant with it's moons, proper campain mode, more EVA stuff to do and so on and so on... I mean, it's gonna be even "worse" for a new player what to focus on ) Anyways, many (un)safe launchings and have fun with our community Best regards...
  7. very unique introduction *applauds* By this, I bid you a welcome, sir... You've done something many of us just dream of... you actually came out with THE problem... Wish I could do the same, as I reply to this message while being at work...
  8. Delta-v (dV) is basically delta velocity = how much velocity you can get from the spacecraft... e.g. you're in orbit, orbiting at 2300 m/s with 1500 m/s of delta-v left... this means that you can speed up to 3800 m/s until you run out of your fuel... (there is approx. 850 m/s dV needed to transfer to the Mün from Kerbin orbit) So we could say that dV is basically the difference between your velocity before you start the burn and the velocity after the burn (should you burn up all of your fuel) However, welcome and enjoy your stay he game is indeed very addicting, so hope you're gonna like this awesome community as well
  9. I think Tokay Gris got exactly the point... it's not necessary to have the "know how" but I'm totally SURE you're gonna want to know more and more as you continue playing... I started playing about a year ago and didn't know very much about how do things in space work (I thought that orbit is just about the altitude, not velocity )... then I started to learn more and more, 'cause I just wanted to know how these things work (when I saw, what amazing things can come out of that)... nowadays, I guess I'm pretty much into that knowledge and finally know pretty much about astronomy and astrophysics... (watched various university lessons, documents, read some science articles and so on) so... once you're in, I guess it goes only deeper
  10. I'm quite satisfied with how the things in .21.1 work... SAS works well for me, game is smoother... the only real problem I've run into is that whenever I enter Mün SOI, the game freezes for few seconds AND also that when I launch, go to the tracking station and so on, it takes veeery long to load in comparison to previous versions...
  11. Hello there Here is where you can find all the addons... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forumdisplay.php/35-Add-on-Releases-and-Projects-Showcase (they are also available at www.kerbalspaceprogram.com) I don't know about any thread that would help you install addons, though it's mostly included with the addon itself... there should be some instructions in the download OR they might be posted with the forum topic related to that specific addon... However, the general way to install most of addons in .21 is pretty simple... there's a folder "GameData" in your KSP folder, where you have to put the downloaded addon... e.g. you download addon xy... it's a zip file with a folder xy inside the zip... you just have to copy the xy file to you GameData folder, play the game and you should have your addon prepared... should it be installed some other way, there should definetely be some instructions included Hope this helps at least a bit...
  12. Good idea I'd recommend you one of the many tutorials that you can find on Youtube... however one of my most favourite tutorial makers and youtubers is Scott Manley... just so that you had something to begin with
  13. Hello as Austin said, I would recommend to start perfecting orbiting and learning orbital mechanics, so that you'd know what you're doing while performing a rendezvous ) as you perfect that, you're just a step away from landing on the Mün, which is just a step away from traveling to other planets Good luck with your space program and have a nice stay with this great community
  14. Hello Chris and welcome to our community hope you're gonna like it... I would recommend using nuclear engines for the münar lander, as they are far more efficient and you should be just fine with fuel for the return trip (it's not a problem to land with 2 of these engines)... as of the Apollo styled mission - it is easier, to land and return to Kerbin with this type of mission, BUT if you're new, you might have slight problems with the orbital rendezvous in the münar orbit... Anyways, good luck with your space program and have a nice stay with us Best regards
  15. 1) Right after I saw few videos by "Kurtjmac" (btw. best regards to Kurt if he sees this) - I NEVER REGRET THAT! 2) By the time I bought it, there were only 2 places to go to (The Mün and Minmus), so it took me about 3 or 4 days of crashing, watching tutorials, learning how the orbital mechanics work (thanks to Scott Manley (see his Youtube channel)), until I landed on the Mün and Minmus right after... 3) It probably is, at least for newbies, but once you figure out how do the orbital mechanics work and watch few tutorials on "how to dock" (Scott Manley has that one as well) it's not that hard at all (It gets more and more of a challenge for your computer though ) 4) You should start to go at angle soon after the launch (it's called gravity turn)... it depends on your ship, but if you start straight up (90° angle), you should get to approx. 60° angle at altitude about 7 or 10 km and slowly turn more and more (you should do your gravity turn to the right of the launchpad to get speed boost from Kerbin's rotation), until you are picking up altitude AND speed pretty well at the same time... then, as you reach your desired apoapsis, stop the engines, warp to the apoapsis and burn prograde to circularize your orbit and voila 5) Of course that IS POSSIBLE! Actually that's probably the most interesting thing about the game (I'm not sure if it's available in the demo though), but YES... the Kerbol system has actually 7 planets + Kerbol and these planets have their moons as well (there are 9 moons orbiting some planet in total) this makes you able to visit 16 different worlds (including Kerbin) + Kerbol (= the Sun) in addition, many of these bodies are actually real-life analogies, so there's lot of fun with them 6) My absolute tip would be to watch youtube videos, from which I prefer mentioned Scott Manley (he's making science easy to understand, so that you could more easily learn how the things work) and Kurtjmac for his... emmm... well... for being Kurtjmac basically it's very funny to watch him play the game Anyways, WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY
  16. Zatím bych do toho neÅ¡el, protože se podle mÄ› drtivá vÄ›tÅ¡ina textu ve hÃ…â„¢e jeÅ¡tÄ› bÄ›hem vývoje hry zmÄ›ní, takže by to byla zbyteÄÂná práce... nicménÄ› v momentÄ›, kdy zaÄÂnou s optimalizací kódu, budeme mít myslím ÄÂasu dost
  17. ÄŒau hra samotná zatím pravdÄ›podobnÄ› žádnými lokalizacemi nedisponuje, vzhledem k tomu, že je to teprve alpha... ale až to bude možné, urÄÂitÄ› bych do toho Å¡el taky
  18. NažÄÂár... no stopro používám MechJeb, hlavnÄ› kvůli tomu infu co ukazuje dřív jsem jeÅ¡tÄ› používal NovaPunch pack (luxusní balíÄÂek souÄÂástí) a plánuju ho v 0.21 zaÄÂít znovu používat ZkuÅ¡enosti už mám osobnÄ› Ã…â„¢ekl bych docela dobré... stock rakety pro 3 Kerbaly i s Roverem na vÅ¡ech tÄ›lesech soustavy Kerbol, velká stanice na orbitÄ› Kerbinu a nad Münem, mezi kterými funguje "Mün Taxi" (inspiroval jsem se Scottem Manleym)... Místo knížky bych doporuÄÂil videa na Youtube od uživatele "Scott Manley", ale spíš se od nÄ›j nauÄÂíš orbitální mechaniku jako takovou (principy a tak), co se týká matematických propoÄÂtů, moc tÄ› toho nenauÄÂí, ale ve hÃ…â„¢e to není vůbec potÃ…â„¢eba vzhledem k tomu, že kolik dV ti zbývá ti ukazuje MechJeb, výšku taky a Periapsis a Apoapsis vidíš na mapÄ› Pokud bys chtÄ›l, napiÅ¡ mi na skype "fyzzicek", rád pokecám s nÄ›kým z komunity a můžem vyměňovat zkuÅ¡enosti A ano, asi pÃ…â„¢ed rokem jsem koupil
  19. Very impressive indeed great work, really... it's got the expression AND the fancy style as well... good job thanks for that video... I was happy to watch it...
  20. You, sir, are a crazy person... but you've earned my respect by that mammoth patience you've shown there... pretty amazing stuff... great job, now change your wallpaper to something blue or less red and you'll be ok
  21. Dude... as much as I would like to see the resources as well, this is just a game PART... it doesn't mean anything else, than that some of the designers had some free time and this idea to make something like this... maybe they were just talking about that in their team and he came up with this idea... we don't know, but it's surely not a bit of a proof of resources coming in the next few updates... I guess it's a long term goal that cannot be accomplished just like that... pretty much things to be done until that...
  22. Hey there fellow engineers... I've not been able to find a question like this (though I might've just not been looking deep enough) so I am asking... Is there a mod, that would let you transfer fuel between two ships (parts) that are not the parts of the same ship? (e.g. you want to transfer fuel between two landers that are sitting close to each other but are not connected) I remember there was this mod for orbital rendezvous that made such thing possible, but that was before we had docking implemented...I'd be most thankful for your help Happy launchings lads
  23. I started playing when the game was 0.15-ish and the person, responsible for all the freaking loss of my free time (the one that I'm thankful to ) is pretty well known youtuber Kurtjmac...
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