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Everything posted by Radion

  1. Is there a problem?
  2. Nope. Anyone wishing to participate must pass the test. Also, I\'ve decided to move the Grand Opening to Monday, and have Sunday be testing day, so as to keep things separated. Now, I\'ve also had to move the forum to a new address, which is - roleplayksp.tk I did some research and decided to stay with TK. It appears that someone in TK\'s Corporate management decided to report the old site for Copyright Infringement, and parked the site in an advertising center. I\'ve solved the Copyright problem, but I had to move the website still. So, hopefully this time things will go properly. Now, nobody visit the site yet, as in, register. I still have work to do.
  3. Twinky, those are not official, at least not here.
  4. Alright, there appear to be lots of questions, so I\'ll take the liberty of answering them in detail. First of, tech progression. As Charzy has posted, we will be progressing technology by weeks. His timeline is mostly correct, but I\'ve decided to do a bit of revision on it. 1950-60 - 2 weeks - Think of it as a 'starter' zone. We\'re just getting started, so we need to keep things simple for now. Ushered in by Kortugan development of Atomic Bomb. 1961-70 - 6 weeks - To the Mun and Minmus. Mun can be landed on with a manned mission. Minmus manned missions would be possible, but more expensive. Ushered in by Kortugans launching a broadcasting space probe. 1971-80 - 4 Weeks - Manned missions are getting less expensive as we do it more often. Scientific missions to bodies start getting more popular. First introduction of prototype spaceplanes. Ushered in by Kortugans orbiting the Mun (The first landing will be left to nations to do) 1981-90 - 4 weeks More powerful computers allow for the first versions of MechJeb TM to be developed. Spaceplanes become mainstream, and a focus on reaching other planets becomes paramount (if they exist by that time). Ushered in by the Kortugan development of the computer processor. 1991-2000 - Even more powerful computers are developed, allowing for more advanced spaceplanes and new rockets, the development of the 'Inter-net' ushers in this new era, by the Kortugans of course. When did we agree on that? We will not have forced politics. Now, for the test. The test will consist of 3 parts. 1. Writing Skills - This is a simple portion of the test where you will be given a prompt, and you are to write just a 4 paragraph response. We don\'t expect English majors, just an average understanding of the English language to the point where you can respond to the prompt. I expect to see at least 2 compound and 2 complex sentences. If you don\'t know what they are, look \'em up. 2. Creativity - This is the portion of the test in which you will demonstrate your creative ability. You will be given a scenario, and your task is to write a simple, 2 paragraph response in which you detail your solution in a creative way. Should be simple. 3. Political Theory - The hardest part of the test. Here, you will answer 5 questions on politics. They will not be covering candidates or anything. These questions will cover political theory, from ideology to government form, and you are expected to answer them in your own words. Any plagiarism will not be accepted.
  5. It does look quite similar to Brighton. Good job Vlad!
  6. Please, do tell me what\'s soviet/communist about the the new forum?
  7. Well, I don\'t suppose you have a box in there?
  8. Welcome to the Forums! I\'m sure you\'ll find us to be quite the lively bunch. Have fun! - Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator, Radion Spaceworks
  9. The above person is someone whom I presume has the 'caring' trait, otherwise he would not have cared to post at all, leaving a blank void for the rest of eternity which no one will step forward to close, unless of course someone does step up to close, in which case the closer will leave an even larger void when he/she finishes closing and leaves to close yet another void, creating more, essentially dooming us all to an endless amount of voids, all of them going on for eternity without someone to close them, yet those closers are also the ones creating more voids, starting the cycle yet again, meaning that the entire planet will one day be consumed in a large void of nothingness unbeatable by those upon whom we have relied to close our gaps, yet they no longer can due to the sheer enormity of the voids which they must clear, and now I come to the realization that my post has probably exceeded the character count, as such I should stop typing, yet I cannot, but I must.
  10. The above person is using albeit butchering-ly so, the sentence starter, 'The above person,' which I created on page 3.
  11. I plan to have it that way. I haven\'t been able to work on this, being preoccupied with RL projects and the new website. I\'ll probably continue work once I\'m done with the other two.
  12. The above person was a frequenter of the former RP forum, and might be joining the new one.
  13. It is currently not yet available.
  14. It will be mandatory. Light GM and Heavy GM will still exist, but Light GM will be revamped to the point where you do need GM units to participate in Light GM. Light GM will be subject to a few more rules, but otherwise it will remain the same. I also will give instructions to the moderators to lock any war threads getting into flamewars, have the Kortugans come in and perform the Jedi Mind Trick, and put everything back to pre-war settings, if a flame war erupts.
  15. I\'m going to cooperate with Ascensiam to make the test (if he wills it.). It\'ll be a test of creativity, language skills, and understanding of basic politics. It shouldn\'t be too hard for those willing to make the effort to be in the roleplay. If you aren\'t willing to make the effort, you shouldn\'t be in roleplay.
  16. Before being allowed to access the rest of the forum, users will have to be approved by a moderator whom has reviewed their test. If your nation was approved, you still have to take the test. If you pass, you keep your nation which was approved.
  17. Presumably, the person above is a 'noob,' but in a smaller portion size, with the added bonus of being the 68th cut-off 'noob.'
  18. I\'ve made the decision to create a writing test before allowing users to participate in roleplay. Also, I uphold Lord Wasteland\'s announcement that anyone who reserves will not get that land. It is final. This is not a hotel. Thirdly, Ascensiam, if you want to help moderate on the forums, the job is yours.
  19. I\'ve set up the new forum, and am working on recovering as much information as possible. I expect to be done, and that is, completely, on Sunday. I\'ve made sure to set up all of the disclaimers today, and added much more. Hopefully I can get things done, invite the moderators in, and have everything ready for a grand opening on Sunday that isn\'t chaotic. Sorry everyone for any inconveniences this may have caused. My eagerness got the best of me. I will be taking a much more serious tone with this.
  20. It\'d be a laugh to see their reaction. But in all seriousness, I should have been more careful.
  21. No, I think it was the name 'Kerbal Space Program' that tipped it over.
  22. I\'ve received an email from Dot.Tk saying they removed my website for, of all things, copyright infringement. I think it was the name 'Kerbal Space Program' that caused the trouble. I\'ll re-register the domain again, this time with as much attention to copyright as I can.
  23. Apparently, someone has hijacked the website and redirected users to a bunch of advertising sites. DO NOT VISIT THE WEBSITE. I will do my best to find a more secure solution. I have backed up the forum. Again, DO NOT VISIT THE WEBSITE.
  24. I can still access the site data on my end.
  25. Sorry everyone. Apparently my domain service has decided to take away my domain. I\'ll be registering a new one. Hopefully we can get this sorted out.
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