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Everything posted by Mr_Brain

  1. I donate 1000 funds and will, in a moment, edit my persistence file to reflect this. Space programs are great, but without more information, I can't give you more than that.
  2. Granted. The rules of every game ever a redefined in such a way that you always win, but you always get the sense of achievement you'd feel after working hard towards a goal. I wish for antibacterial skin.
  3. Granted! Australia is now the world's greatest power and all other countries are its puppet states. Also, you get to decide who's in charge. I wish to never again be bothered by temperatures either too hot or too cold.
  4. Granted, and mistakes have been fixed as well! "I wish for spaces in my sentences." I wish for dioxygen diflouride.
  5. One afternoon, you're playing KSP, as usual. Suddenly, you feel hungry; almost two hours earlier than usual. You don't think much of it, pause the game (you're in the middle of mission scheduled to take you until your usual dining time, at which you would have closed the game rather than pausing it usually) and prepare a meal. You notice that you've run out of an important ingredient and go to the store. About 20 minutes later, you're back and continue making food, which you then eat. You eat in front of the TV, and you turn it on just as an episode of your favorite TV show starts, leaving you glued to the screen for 40 minutes. After over an hour, you return to see that your cat had unpaused the game, which led to your interplanetary mothership crashing into your huge refueling station (you probably shouldn't have executed that rendezvous burn quite that precisely...). The excessive physics calculations due to the collision of the two craft, both having over 1500 parts, overheat the CPU, so you Alt+F4 out and let the system cool for a while before starting KSP up again and loading a quicksave. You can finish the rest of the mission without a problem. What you don't know is that the overheated CPU mixed up some calculations for SETI@home (which you always run) and KSP, leading to a false positive in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. A press release is issued while researchers try to confirm what was found by your computer; all media spread the news of "ET talking to us", the world is excited. A few days later, it is confirmed that, in fact, no signs of extraterrestrial intelligence have been found, and mankind is disappointed. The people of Earth lose trust in science, science funding is cut, technology becomes stagnant and eventually humanity's knowledge deteriorates, starting another medieval era. The few who still value science and technology are prosecuted, you have to watch helplessly as your greatest heroes are executed most painfully in your city's central square. You manage to escape and lead a lonely life in the woods. The guilt and isolation make you lose your sanity, and the smartphone you brought with you to remind you of better times when there was technology starts talking, eternally insulting you. One day, you fall off a tree, onto your back. You notice that you can no longer move. Your phone, permanently blaming you for everything bad that has ever happened, is the last thing you "hear" before you die of dehydration after days of lying on the forest ground. I take a physics exam at school. What's the worst that could possibly happen?
  6. Well, it was in chemistry class. You were browsing while the teacher was performing an experiment. It went wrong. There was an explosion. Because you were distracted by the forums, you lost a lot of time when escaping – you made it out in time, before the toxic fumes and the fire killed you, but because you couldn't help the others, they didn't. One of the others, Billy, had lost his father years before in a similar incident, so his mother, now alone and without anything to lose, swore vengeance. Many years later, you were working on cold fusion and made a breakthrough! However, that was exactly the point at which Billy's mother broke into your laboratory and fired several shots at you. She hit the plasma containment unit, which leaked and caused a sizable explosion (One would think that was impossible. One would be wrong.) You die, the experiment is destroyed, and all your research is lost. Because of this incident, all funding on energy research worldwide is cut, and humanity enters a new dark age. That is the worst that could happen. I'm eating a tasty, tasty strawberry. What's the worst that could happen?
  7. Your wish shall be granted by a number of cybernetic implants implanted into your body. They are directly controlled by your mind and allow you speed up, slow down, pause or revert the flow of time in the rest of the universe (so you're not included). They also automatically repair damage to your body (down to the molecular level!) and pause time when you're in danger in order to make sure you that have more lifetime as well, not just more time in situations or that you're wasting less time waiting. I wish for a Star Trek computer.
  8. Granted, and you now have extremely good coding skills, allowing you to write any code you wish without ever creating any errors whatsoever (unless you want to)! I wish for Elon Musk to live as long as he wants and to receive as much money as he wants.
  9. A cupboard... I'll need quite efficient fuel and oxygen storage methods. EDIT: Ninja'd... No, TOS tricorder! How could you? NO MORE EDIT: The object left or right (wherever your mouse isn't) of your keyboard (or the object to your left if you're using a smartphone or tablet or so) will be your only defense when the cakes and candies of the world rise against the humans.
  10. I won't push it. I think this is a rather nice thread! Push this button to flood the room you are in right now with your favorite candy.
  11. Up-Goer One. Or 1, or I. Not sure yet. In general, I name all my spacecraft, even the capsule that just sits on the pad for a bit of pad science. No "lazy" names like "Orbit 2" or "Mun Mk 3" either. I spend way too much time with naming my spacecraft. I need to stop.
  12. Granted, and it's in fact so good that the market soon receives a significant, though not overly large number of similar excellent games which are all worth playing! I wish that a benevolent super-AI rules the world from now on.
  13. I like being smart, so push it a few times! And now I'm already too insane to stop, so I push it again and again and again, eventually stopping, now sufficiently brilliant and twisted to become the evil mad scientist dicator of Earth! Mwahaha! MWAHAHA! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Push this button to unleash an AI that will rule the world.
  14. Hmm... Assuming you took all the conductive materials from Earth's crust, made coils out of them and put them on the fastest-moving tectonic plate... How much power could you generate using only continental drift and Earth's magnetic field?
  15. I'll be wearing a shelf with a bunch of boxes! May I wear only the boxes? Sounds more practical. The object to your north is a time traveler.
  16. That would probably be the desk. I'll be careful. The object to your upper left is your new best friend.
  17. Granted, and the rest of the Mane Six are there as well! You also receive a model of Sugarcube Corner. (Spike isn't, however) I wish for the "Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!" thread to be as positive and happy as this one!
  18. I throw Jeb out of the capsule and replace him by a high-level probe core. We don't need an excited kerbal trying how close he can orbit to Minmus without smashing into a mountain.
  19. I add a parachute. It covers the blunt nose, making the rocket pointier and more aerodynamic.
  20. Just set the sun on fire. Once it's burned down, it's not there anymore, so it can't bother you anymore.
  21. Canine Annihilation Trooper SONIC
  22. Denied Access Net Gain STAR
  23. That doesn't change anything about how true or not true the Big Bang theory is. As GreenWolf already said, we can measure the Big Bang and can thereby show that it actually happened. The "moment before the big bang" doesn't exist, because with the big bang, time started (I'm not entirely sure on this, people that know more about this, please correct me). Without time, there can't be a moment, so if there's a moment in which time started, there isn't a moment before that moment. While the concept of no time existing before the big bang may seem to contradict common sense or something, as far as I know, that's what happened.
  24. Granted, and they each and every one of them always does the morally right thing! (and you get to decide what is morally right) I wish for a holodeck like in Star Trek (TNG era).
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