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Everything posted by Mr_Brain

  1. Granted. He's not very well trained and bites you, killing you. I wish that the aurora is visible from where I live, without any catastrophic changes to solar activity or Earth's magnetic field.
  2. If you ask any further question about this mission, the kerbals in the black helicopters will come here. There's a reason it isn't officially scheduled. A truck delivering the RTGs and the monopropellant to the KSC crashed, a lot of radioactive material and extremely toxic fuel got into the ocean.
  3. The technological singularity which leads to neural uploading. Once people live in computers, they don't need coffee anymore, so Starbucks can't sell coffee anymore and goes bankrupt.
  4. The skybox is changed to include a prominent constellation that is in the shape of a walrus.
  5. 592: We consider high-velocity lithobraking/lithobreaking a valid means of slowing down on landing. Especially on manned missions with the most famous astronaut.
  6. Confusing "orbital mechanics" gameplay element is removed. Instead, you point where you want to go and go there using the Krakenspace Drive, allowing for a far wider audience to understand the game. Since weapons won't be added, the marketing team comes up with a more friendly term for the, uh, tools you use to wipe out the tall pink alien monsters.
  7. Banned for having more blog entries than forum posts that count.
  8. The airport isn't visible on the map picture, but it the icon that indicates the location of airports is there.
  9. The names of my spacecraft usually depend on where they're going and are named after Greek deities. Artemis for Mün, Adephagia for Minmus, Ares for Duna, Aphrodite for Eve and so on. I need to get creative with bodies without a real life equivalent, for example Minmus, to which I send ships named after the goddess of gluttony (unless my source is wrong). My SCANsat probes are named "SCANsat [deity]", for example "SCANsat Artemis". My planes get names like "Daedalus" or "Icarus" or "Pegasus". Orbital telescopes from the CactEye mod are named "Delphi".
  10. I use probes. On the rare occasions when I do a kerballed launch, I use what I have anyway. Why install an extra safety system when you can just mash space bar until you get to a stage that's not half exploded and can get you out of the BOOM?
  11. Low Earth Orbit with a scientific payload of a bit of moss whose reaction to low gravity (gravity will be simulated by rotation) will be researched. It's not in the OP yet, as far as I know.
  12. A few levels after the KSP box, someone says "Needs more struts" about the rocket.
  13. Thanks, those who replied to me! I'll do the Module Manager thing.
  14. Guys! I just noticed something about my warp to Andromeda! The shuttle was called "Lambda" and the warp took almost exactly 3 hours! Half-Life 3 confirmed!!
  15. Awesome mod! It really looks great and is useful. But would it be possible to add Kerbal Engineer to the BoxSat core? It'd be really useful, since clipping the chip into the satellite isn't an ideal solution.
  16. Looks great, but this one appears to be 120 mm long, which is larger than a 1U's 100 mm sides and therefore isn't small enough, unless I missed something. The cheap one would fit, though.
  17. The purpose isn't just "we have a satellite", it is to research the effect of low gravity on plants. Plants in microgravity have been studied on the ISS and obviously in Earth gravity too, but not in the range that will be possible with this Cubesat (by spinning it to create "gravity").
  18. As I understand it, you want to do the opposite: You want to give it more CO2 to photosynthesize and remove the O2. It would still work, of course, but I guess there are less devices to get rid of O2 available. Regardless, even if there are none available, it would be possible to look into chemical reactions that consume O2 and work sufficiently quickly and efficiently (and non-burningly) to provide the plant(s) with sufficiently high CO2 concentrations. EDIT: I'm not sure, but I think I remember reading on this thread that gasses under pressures greater than 1.2 atmospheres are prohibited on cubesats, but as I said, I'm not certain. Therefore, it might be problematic to include a gas tank. EDIT2: Just found the post.
  19. People can have their minds transferred into computers for free, they can create any virtual environment they want and they can communicate with other people, both those already uploaded and the ones that are still biological. It also makes them immortal (robots do maintenance work), unless they do not wish so.
  20. I think it should be named Tony Probe.
  21. Austria, the country that caused both world wars (in some way).
  22. This seems absolutely awesome. I have read the entire thread, but voted for "mission to Phobos" in the poll before doing so – which was probably a little too early... Well, I guess it still works as an Ultimate Mission. If this project gets All The Funding. A lot of All The Funding. Anyway, unfortunately, as nothing more than a teenager who's interested in space, I probably won't be able to contribute much except for some money. However, if/when this becomes a Kickstarter campaign at some point, I'll try to collect some additional donations at my school (just assuming the campaign doesn't end before my school vacation does) – I know a science teacher who, as far as I know, loves astronomy, I am quite confident he'd do his best to support this project. On a more unrelated note, the students exiting the Austrian equivalent of a high school have to write a (please excuse this probably bad translation) "pre-scientific paper" from next school year onwards, which is basically something that remotely resembles a scientific paper, but on a much lower level. As I'm still looking for a topic (and I'll have to write it in one to one and a half years, so that's enough time for this to progress quite a bit, I hope), I might use this project as a topic, if it's allowed (by both you and the education system).
  23. Well, since this day would repeat eternally, I'd do exactly the stuff I did/will do today forever and ever and ever. What would you do if you no longer had a shadow?
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