It's not terribly likely he personally did it, given there's no corroboration of it and it doesn't match with Messerschmidt's own tests of what the planes could do. There was one WWII german pilot who almost certainly did break the sound barrier-Lothar Sieber-but it could be argued that inadvertently doing it while in a vertical dive about a metre off of the ground doesn't really count.
That'd require you to bend the back outwards. You'd either have to take it off (voiding your warranty), or somehow bend the entire phone including the screen.
It's a flyby, Xinhua just had a minor mistranslation. This is using an LM-3C and DFH-3 bus, the same as Chang'e 1; take the return capsule into account, and it's unlikely it could enter lunar orbit, nevermind leave it.
As a student, both of those are outside of the amount I'd want to spend on a phone. I don't really see why you'd need something much more than a Moto E anyway; there seems to be little real added capability beyond 3d games, which tend to be terrible regardless due to interface issues.
Care to point out anyone outside of your head that considers the S5 a failure? EDIT: Even if we pretended it was, this still isn't an actual response to anything in my post.
Are you going to actually respond to my post at all? If apple always do the job better than else, why did they make complete failures like Pippin and Lisa?
Care to try responding to what I actually wrote? Samsung shouldn't copy apple concepts, but it's alright for apple to copy concepts from android manufacturers because...
And you've returned to rambling about 'copying apple'. You realise we won't forget about apple copying the smartwatch and phablet concepts just because you didn't mention them for one post?
Believing people have noble motivations with zero evidence is a tragic state of mind to have. Magellan responded to a request by the spanish king to find a route to spice islands, and negotiated a bunch of purely commercial concessions as part of it.