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Everything posted by katateochi

  1. Awesome, that's exactly the use-case I was thinking of when I thought of the download queue idea! I've been working on the requested update, plus a few bug fixes and some tweaks. Just need to port the changes back to the 1.3.x branch and make sure everything is happy there and then I can release the updates....so anytime between tomorrow evening and next month!
  2. sorry @Gargamel, I'd meant to reply to you yesterday and then I got side tracked. I think the thing you're looking for is the auto-tag feature. When you create a tag you can click "Use Auto Tag rule" and setup a simple rule to automatically match certain craft. A rule is made up of an attribute, a comparator and a value. For this example select name as the attribute and then you can choose between 'starts with', 'includes' or 'equals' as the comparator. If all your KSS ships have KSS at the start of the name use 'starts with', otherwise use 'includes'. Then set KSS as the value and all ships with KSS will automatically get that tag (and when you create a new KSS ship it will also get tagged automatically). I have to confess, I didn't really understand what your super-tags idea was. The legwork should be a bit less with the updates I'm working on now as you'll be able to select multiple craft and tag them all in one go. Don't know why I didn't think of that before, seems obvious now, as it really makes setting up your initial tags much quicker. I don't have the C# (or KSP API) skills to add something into the existing description box that appears when you enter the ships name, but (in next release, soon) you can open a "QuickTag" dialog with ctrl+t (or icon in toolbar) and add/remove tags to the current craft. btw, one of the current features is it should auto focus the craft list on either the last selected craft, or the currently loaded one. So if you open CM, load a craft and then reopen CM, the craft you loaded should still be selected. If you open CM a click on a craft, then close CM and reopen it the craft you clicked on should still be selected. Then if you deselected that craft, closed and reopened CM it should set focus back to the currently loaded craft.
  3. It looks like you have almost all tag filters selected; which means it would only show craft that have all of those tags (assuming you've not changed the tag mode). Unselect all the tags and your craft should appear.
  4. You say this like it's something common-place and with a known outcome. Maybe I've missed a craze, but I'm not sure what the results of rubbing sunscreen on plants are (I can't imagine they'd be overly enamoured with it).
  5. Fooling around is what taught me the most. Forget missions and contracts, nothing takes you to school quite like setting yourself a crazy goal and belligerently setting out to achieve it (although this approach may result in severe sleep deprivation). I don't rate missions/contracts as a learning tool, in fact I've found them rather stunting. I would play in standbox, pick an RL mission (Apollo 11 is a good one) and attempt to recreate it. At first purely based on aesthetics; what did the RL rocket look like? what key parts/features did it have? and build to that. Then attempt to fly it, fail, contemplate why it failed and tweak the design, repeat. I think the trial and error approach is a great analogy to the RL process.
  6. KerbalX is taking part in the BattleForTheNet - RedAlert campaign to help raise awareness about the issues surrounding Net Neutrality. It's not a topic that can really be discussed on these forums due to its political nature, but PM me if you have other questions regarding it. I know it is only applicable to those in the USA, so sorry to everyone else (I'm in the UK, but KerbalX is hosted on American servers). If you don't care then just dismiss the banner and it will go away for 24 hours and it's only going to be about until the Senate vote takes place.
  7. For me the stock music is a reminder that I've not copied my settings.cfg over from my previous install over yet. My only sadness about always muting the stock music is it also kills the birds in the space center view. Can we have a seperate "bird-volume" slider? I usually play KSP without any music, sometimes I watch random things on another device. Partly because (in the days when I made vids) I didn't want other sounds when recording, but now it's more because I just like the silence of space (interrupted only by the roar of my engines,...... or horrific crashing sounds).
  8. Thanks @Gargamel!! Cheers for pointing out the CKAN version issue, should be sorted shortly. I did think about Kraft Manager as name, but then thought that with "Kraft foods" as a big name it wouldn't work so well. And before that I'd considered (for about 0.26 seconds) "Kraft Kontroller" but then realised it would be Katateoch's Kraft Kontroller....which has unfortunate acronym issues! So "Craft Manager" seemed the best way to go!
  9. Thanks @DMagic! I had tried the coroutine approach but wasn't successful with that either (perhaps because I was still attempting a jump direct to SPH). For the moment I've given up and am using @Malah's Quick Mods, quick start & quick goto (now maintained by the mod-machine aka @linuxgurugamer) as that does what I need. So I could dig through that code and find the way, but actually using quick mods works better as I don't need that helper code in my codebase.
  10. In 1.3.x I had a little helper that I used to speed up development testing by jumping me from the main menu to the scene I needed to be at, but in 1.4.x it doesn't work, or rather it jumps to the right scene, but (ie in an editor) none of the assets are present and most buttons don't function. This was the helper I used before [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.MainMenu, true)] public class DevTools : MonoBehaviour { public void Start(){ HighLogic.SaveFolder = "test_save"; GamePersistence.LoadGame("persistent", HighLogic.SaveFolder, true, false); EditorDriver.StartEditor(EditorFacility.SPH); } } Any ideas how to load a specific scene in 1.4.x?
  11. @81ninja, @luizopiloto, @Sunesha RFC list so far: with MoSCoW selection; [M] - Must Have, [/S] - Should have, [C] - Could have, [W] - won't have (at least not in this iteration) Larger thumbnails [C] Yes, if it can be done without having to make each craft element in the list taller. Would having the thumbnail displayed in the details panel be desirable? Bigger window [C] not sure about this. Certainly on lower res displays it needs to use more of the available height, but I was thinking that folk would already find it too big (in comparison to the stock list), which is why I added compact mode. Change primary name to "internal" name (ie name defined in the craft file, not the file name) [/S] This needs some thought. Filename is true, in that it's unique and can be used as a reliable reference. I can see the want to switch this around, but it'll need some core bits to be reworked. Allow non-OS safe chars in name [/S] the above item is a prerequisite for this change. while these can be allowed in the internal name, they'll have to be stripped from the file name Don't change 'updated_at' datetime when renaming. [W] not possible Ability to apply a tag to a group of craft in one go [M] Very much yes! Group select action; hold ctrl and click to select a group of craft -> right click on any selected to bring up common actions [add-tag, delete, move/copy, transfer] QuickTag - ability to apply a tag without having to open main interface [M] I like this, very doable. something like ctrl+t (I don't think that clobbers anything) to open a quick-tag dialog, select existing tag or type new, hit enter or ok to add. Tag categories [W..C] This would be quite a big change, both to tag inner workings an UI. Also, it's kinda meta; tags for tags! counter suggestion; A reducing tag list. So if you tag all your stations, airplanes and landers and then also tag them with bodies, then when you select a body name it would hide any tags which would have 0 results. so in your example, selecting Duna would reduce the tag list to just landers and stations (airplanes would be hidden and stations would only have Duna stations). Ability to load a craft that has missing parts [W] ouch! hmmmm. *deep-thought voice* "tricky, I'll have to think about it". The idea of replacing the missing part with a stock girder is good, but I'll have to do some experimenting. Won't be something for the next release, but I'll think on it (it's one of those tantalizingly interesting problems!). Did I miss anything? Speak now or forever hold your pizza! Do you know which version you first installed? It might have been just as the post-release-oopsy-patch came out which fixed an issue that had the same symptoms as you described. In which case if you ckan'd it or re-downloaded it, the second install might have been with the fix in place. Module Manager isn't a dependency for this mod so it shouldn't matter what MM is up to (unless it does other plugin caching, but afaik it just caches MM patches). Curious. I hope it was just a case of 2nd install had the fix, but let me know if that crops up again.
  12. So you need to timewarp 500 years.....I'm not even going to ask why, but if you really want to jump yourself 500 years into the future, then you need to edit your save file. Open your persistent.sfs file in an editor and search for FLIGHTSTATE and in that section there is a value called UT which is the time in seconds since the beginning of the save. You'll need to add about 3,942,000,000 to whatever value your UT is currently at (Kerbin days are 6 hours but I've forgotten if a Kerbin year is 365 days, u might need to check that but assuming it is; 60*60*6*365*500). Make the change to UT, save and then reload your save and you should be 500ish years forward. But....I've no idea how that sort of jump will impact the calculations of the positions of any inflight craft, short jumps are ok, but that sort of large jump might produce some rounding error issues that might awaken some long dormant Kraken so for the love of Jeb, make save backups before attempting!
  13. Do you mean you lost your save? Or did your KSP install get nuked somehow. Can't say it's something that's ever happened to me, but mods can do unexpected things. I strongly doubt CKAN was the cause. But as a precaution I'd always recommend backing up saves before adding/removing mods (in any modded game). If it's your save that's gone and the save folder is still there, you might get lucky if you OS has a file history system; On windows right click on the save folder and look for the previous versions tab and it might have something from the previous day. Hope that helps!
  14. When reentry effects were added, I deorbited a large, populated space station just to watch it burn. I've built Kerbal launching catapults in a misguided attempt to teach Kerbals to fly..... (mainsail powered cannons were similarly unsuccessful) I've dropped Kerbals out of jets at high speed to test their tolerance to suddenly being ejected at high speed....or something. In the days when Kerbals could survive unprotected reentry and then land "safely" if they landed headfirst, a fair few met their end due to improper landing technique. I've have (and still do) made Kerbals cling to ladders during reentry because there weren't enough funds in the rescue mission budget to add a second capsule (this is actually a fairly reliable approach, I'd like to say it's been fatality free, but that wouldn't be entirely accurate). Kerbal darts - a fun game where you attempt to bullseye a rendezvous so perfectly that nothing survives upon arrival. These are just the highlights, the list of crimes goes on....
  15. That seems like it could be really simple in some cases and horribly awkward in others! What was your approach if you have a missing part that has other parts attached to it? Do you remove that whole branch from the missing part onwards, or did you try and change what the other parts are attached to, essentially moving them up a part? That's not something I'd planned for this mod, but it can go in the "might have" pile. I'm aware that on lower resolution displays the window is bit small and I was planning to tweak how much screen space it used when on particularly small displays. What res do you run at? Having the window user resizable will be tricky, because the interface layout is quite complex. I'll see if I can make them a bit bigger without increasing the size of each craft element. The images are only 256x256 so they start looking a bit crummy at larger sizes but I'll see how it looks. The only datetime values available are the file time stamps and when a craft is renamed it has to change both the file name and the name value in the file, so as the file is edited those timestamps get changed. I'd either have to have some separate record to track datetime values (which seems like a clunky solution) or actually mess around with the file's timestamp data (which feels like a hacky solution). So that is going to stay as it is. It was the slow load time that prompted me to start this. I'm still not 100% satisfied with how it is, I reckon I can optimize things further and reduce the load time some more.
  16. Update!! versions 1.0.2 (for KSP 1.3.x) and 1.1.2 (for KSP 1.4.x) are available. A bug fix for issue#3 And a new feature....I was in the process of moving my modded 1.3.1 save to 1.4.3 and trying to reduce the number of mods, so I've got a bunch of craft with "missing parts", but i'm not sure which mods they need. And I'm far too lazy to type each part name into the KX part search so..... Now when you try to load a craft with missing parts Craft Manager will give you a 'it's got missing parts' message, and in that there's the option to use KerbalX to do a mod lookup. That uses KerbalX's part-mod database to lookup the missing parts and produce a list of which mods are needed for that craft. also....Yay! 3000th post!
  17. well....I'm going to be somewhat biased, but.... 3 key features that Craft Manager has that Craft Organizer doesn't; craft data caching - Craft Manager caches data about each craft so it doesn't have to re-read each craft file each time you open it, it only reads craft files that have changed. That's the bit behind its fast loading. auto-tags - CM has tags that can be given a rule and will automatically tag any craft that matches that rule. KerbalX Integration - CM lets you post your craft to KerbalX.com and download craft. (and as a bonus, new feature that's coming out v soon; if you have a craft with missing parts, Craft Manager will use KerbalX to try and work out which mods you are missing). I would argue CMs interface is nicer, but that's definitely biased! well....it means it's being very actively maintained. but it's also more likely to have a few glitches that need ironing out.....speaking of which, new patch release coming v soon with a bug fix and a new feature. Now i'm afraid to post anything....wait...dang, just used one, better make the next one count!
  18. just fyi, I've tried this in KSP 1.4.3 and it seems to be working fine
  19. The tags are per save, you'll find a craft.tags file in each save folder. My thinking was that I didn't want to do anything that would modify craft files and if I shared one of my tagged craft with someone they might not want the tags I'd assigned to it. The downside is a new save would need its own tags setup, but you can just copy the craft.tags file from one save into another. I could add in an option to inherit the tags from a KerbalX craft as you download it. (it already works the other way round in that as you post a craft to KerbalX it will populate the field for tags with whatever local tags it has). Craft history is something that I very much want to add to this. But I'm not quite sure how to go about doing it. The dirty solution is just make copies of craft files at different versions and stuff them in a version control folder. But...that's horrible. What I really want to do is re-visit the very first KSP tool I made (Jebretary, which kinda accidentally led me to make KerbalX), and provide git based version control (without the user needing to understand anything about git). The complication with that is either requiring the user to separately install git, or find some way of having git as a standalone library. I'd also have to figure out how to control git from c# which I've no idea about doing (Jebretary was written in Ruby and doing that was simple). So yeah....it's being mulled over at present (any suggestions welcome!). But before I bring in version control one of the next major features I want to add is being able to access saves in multiple KSP installs. Craft Manager already lets you switch between craft in different saves in the current KSP install, so it is basically just a matter of adding another set of paths to track. There might be a slight grey area in mod rules, in that mods are not supposed to interact with the file system outside of a KSP install....but if it's very clear that you can optionally add a path to another KSP install then it should be ok. So with that you could have your master craft folder outside of KSP and point CM at it so you can easily import/export craft to it.
  20. yeah that would be nice. It would cut down on duplicate versions of craft and then wondering which was most up-to-date. I guess you can put your craft in the Ships folder in the root of your KSP install, but I never like doing that as that seems a place reserved for the default craft (and Craft Manager treats those craft slightly differently and lets you show/hide them). You can sorta get what you want with Craft Manager as you can load craft from any save in the current KSP install (and I plan to expand that to cover multiple KSP installs). So you could put your fleet craft into one 'storage' save and then in another save you can view and load the craft from that storage save, but it doesn't have the functionality of filtering by locked/unlocked tech nodes....I wonder how tricky that would be to add.... Thanks guys! Give me a shout if you run into any issues/bugs. I know of one annoying issue if you are playing 1.4.x on Linux; mouse wheel scrolling of lists is horrible! Scroll is inverted and slow and does other weird things, but I think it's an issue with Unity, not sure though still trying to find out.
  21. I hope the tag based system does the job. It's not a directory structure in the classical sense, but the flat approach of adding tags to craft and then filtering by the tags. I think tags are more powerful than a file/folder setup as you can be more flexible, ie; with folders you could have 'landers' with a sub folder of say 'duna' and you could have 'bases' also with planet sub folders, but you can't easily see all your 'duna' craft. with tags you'd tag all landers as landers, all bases as bases and also tag them with planets they're rated for. Then you can click 'Duna' and see all your duna rated craft, click landers and see all your landers, and if you select both landers and duna then it filters it to just your duna landers.
  22. New Mod!! - Craft Manager I've just released a new mod which I hope will supersede the current KerbalX mod. Craft Manager is a replacement for the stock craft list shown in the editors and it enables you to search, sort and tag your craft..and of course upload to KerbalX. The KerbalX integration bit is optional so non-KerbalX users can use the core features without needing to link to KerbalX. With KerbalX integration switched on Craft Manager does everything the current KerbalX mod does (just better!). Tagging your craft makes it easy to group craft. As well as standard tags which you manually apply to craft you can also create 'auto-tags' which are given a rule like "crew-capacity > 5", "part count < 100" or "name starts_with 'whatever'" and those tags will automatically get added to any craft that match the rule. Would you like to know more? - https://kerbalx.com/CraftManager @Azimech thanks for pointing that out. I'll have a look and get that sorted. looks like they've increased the length of the album ids.
  23. Craft Manager A replacement for the stock Craft List with Search, Sort & Tagging with (optional) KerbalX.com Integration Download Craft Manager Click the link and select your KSP version and KerbalX will give you the relevant download links. Craft Manager requires that KXAPI is also installed (clicking the above link will provide a link for that too) Craft Manager is available through CKAN (the recommended way to install) Docs | KSP Support: [1.3.x, 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x] Source | Bug Reporting | Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Craft Manager replaces the stock craft list in the editors (SPH/VAB) and adds some much needed features. Craft Manager lets you search for craft by name, you can sort the list of craft by various craft attributes and you can assign tags to craft so you can organize them into groups. Craft Manager also is designed to open much faster than the stock craft list, even when you have silly numbers of craft. And of course, you can also upload your craft to KerbalX, download other craft....all from the same interface. Craft Manager provides the same features as the KerbalX mod for posting your craft on KerbalX, BUT KerbalX integration is optional (and disabled by default), so you don't have to be a KerbalX user to use the core features. KXAPI (KerbalX API) is now a required dependency for Craft Manager. KXAPI handles all interactions with KerbalX.com. You need to have it installed, even if you're not using Craft Manager to connect to KerbalX, this is simply because I don't yet know how to code an optional dependency! Once I figure that out you won't need to install KXAPI if you don't want the KerbalX integration features of Craft Manager. see full details on https://kerbalx.com/CraftManager Full Size Mode Compact Mode You can search for craft, order the craft list and view craft from all your saves in the same KSP install. You can move/copy craft between saves and transfer craft between SPH/VAB and subassemblies. You subassemblies are given equal status and can be searched, sorted and loaded just like any other craft, you can also load a subassembly as a regular craft, or load a regular craft as a subassembly. Clicking on a craft will bring up more info about it in the right hand panel, double clicking will load it and right clicking will open a context menu of various actions. Tags Tag your craft to organise them into custom groups and combine tags to filter craft. For example; tag all your landers as 'Landers' and tag them according to which body they're designed for ie Mun, Duna, etc. Now you can select Landers & Duna and just have your Duna Landers listed. You can also exclude tags (right click on a tag and select exclude) which will hide that tag's craft from the list. There are regular tags (green) which you can manually assign to craft, and there are auto-tags (yellow) which are a bit more cunning! Auto-tags Auto-tags can be given a rule ie, "crew-capacity > 5" and any craft which match that rule will have that tag automatically added to it. In the pics below the autotag with the rule "name start_with 'ct'" matches all my CT-Series craft, and then I can further filter them by selecting another tag ie LKO
  24. Go to the KSP store, login and go to your account and there should be a "Transfer Purchase" button next to the download button. But I've never gone beyond that step as I'm quite happy with having it via the store (and the store is much more stable than it was back when you bought it).
  25. Yeah, those are great vids, really captures that odd combination of serenity and crazy that KSP somehow blends together. I also really like this vid by @Avera9eJoe (and not just because it used a couple clips from my vids)
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