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Everything posted by katateochi

  1. @DoctorDavinci Thanks for updating this. Not tried it out yet, but I will soon! Still tinkering with general rover design for the race, but don't worry about my request to add support for the service bays. I've changed my design to use flaps now. If adding it is easy (and not one of those programmer "it'll be easy"... *10 hours later, kinda things) then I'd be interested to compare my two designs (flap vs service bay) and see which is better, but don't worry if it's gonna be a hassle!
  2. Any banana you can walk away from...... Touch down was perfect; smooth, no bounce and right at the start of the runway....only things was, I was still going around 300m/s and this craft isn't fitted with drogue chutes. The end of the runway was approaching uncomfortably quickly so I tried the emergency-stop technique of putting the plane into a slide....and slid sideways right into the lamp at the end. Impact took out one side of the plane but the main fuselage stayed intact....just banana shaped. I think hitting the lamp saved us from a rather nasty encounter with the bottom of the slope. The tourists where understandable annoyed, but I'm not refunding them.
  3. haha. yeah, they are the fun way to roll! I do think that maybe jet boosted rovers should be in their own class because (assuming you manage to not smear rover and pilot across a hillside) they utterly out perform any pure wheel powered rovers. I'm gonna do two entries (assuming that's allowed); one jet boosted and one stock wheel powered. (I wonder if it's acceptable to fly them out together on the same plane?) @DoctorDavinci, I remember your mod from Dakar! In the end though I controlled mine manually because I made my boost flaps using a service bay and IIRC your mod didn't add control to service bays. pros and cons to service bays as boost flaps; they're heavier, but they cut/enable thrust faster and they don't have any lift. If you're doing an update to your mod, could you look into adding support for the small stock service bay?
  4. Sorry 1 more Q; jet boosted rovers, are they allowed (if so I'm guessing the rules that we had in Dakar still apply about cutting thrust when leaving the ground).
  5. gah, I totally missed the setup thread for this, so sorry, couple Qs; is airdropping the rover over the start acceptable? is there any bonus if your transport aircraft can come and collect the rover and fly it back to KSC? any points/penalties for rover not taking damage (loosing parts), or would it's one surviving wheel rolling over the finish line still count!?
  6. nice summary! yeah, I do tend to be overly wordy with my descriptions about things, verbose even, in fact one time.....trails off into another detailed description. My obsession with a tidy orbits means that if it ain't serving a purpose, it's gotta go. and also why I'd be loathed to torpedo it, cos I know at some point I'd be OCD enough to set out on the tedious mission to tidy up the resultant debris field! My save file is about 16mb with around 60 in flight craft and needs a ton of mods. But as this is something of a curiosity, I've made a trimmed down instance. I've deleted all other craft from the save (so many clicks to do that!!) so the mod requirements are much lower (and so you can't see my top secret rover ). The issues still remain (mostly), although some things are a bit odd having gutted a bunch of mods (TAC-LS doesn't seem happy). But the main "it turns into a ghost after failed hyper edit" issue still happens and it still refuses to budge from it's current orbit. Here's a zip containing persistent and quicksave files and the station craft file You will then need these mods - https://kerbalx.com/mod_packs/1174 (kerbaltech in that list is hyperedit, which is essential for this) I'm running with the DLC, but I don't think it's using any parts from that So load up the save, go to the tracking station and go to the station. It should be facing retrograde, so first thing is switch to map mode, right click on the Ap/Pe markers and fire the engine up....and watch it not do anything at all. Then have a go at trying to orient the station. This station originally was very stable and perfectly able to turn to a set heading, but not any more! Note the NaN power levels. Then (spooky bit). open hyperedit -> orbit editor (make sure active vessel is selected) and enter 60000 into the altitude text box and hit apply. What I get is a few seconds of the craft at that alt, then everything disappears and the navball reads NaN and the altimeter reads all zeros in red. Then hit f9 and load the quicksave and you should have a semi transparent ghost ship. oh...it's not just the ship I've realised, Kerbin also enters the shadow realm. The right click issue has mostly gone away, you can right click on parts like normal, Except for the command pod. right clicking on that still has the same effect of disabling most of the UI. I'd be interested to hear if you guys also get the same results.
  7. I kinda want to keep it in orbit, but I'm also concerned that whatever bugs are lurking on it might spread to other craft! Those eyes! Most of the parts are stock parts (just tweakscaled) and a few Kerbal Planetary Base Systems parts. I've not updated any mods recently, so I don't think it's that. I do suspect that tweakscale may be the cause of the NaN reading for power level, my guess is by changing the size of a fuel cell it changed its power output and that led to a mathematical hiccup, maybe?
  8. Devoid of life, uncontrollable, this translucent form drifts around Kerbin, refusing all attempts to shift it from it's path. Those who dare dock with it never undock again. Seriously, I have an actual ghost ship in my career right now. It was a station that I was planning to explosively decommission (as I'd realised I'd forgotten to include some useful things in it's build). I guess it didn't like that plan and started acting up. The first odd thing was it's power levels started reading as NaN. It seems to behave like it has power and no power at the same time; I can make it turn with SAS power, but SAS won't hold it steady. I've never seen NaN power readings before. The next odd thing was that if I right click on any part of it, the game UI becomes partly unresponsive. I can't click on the context menu buttons and I can't close the context menu, or open any others, but I can still pan around. I checked if any input locks where in place, but that wasn't it. Only way out was quick save and reload. So that means I can't undock anything that doesn't have an undock action group already setup. So it traps anything that docks with it (thankfully quicksaves before docking have saved those craft from that fate). I then tried to deorbit it. It won't shift. It's not locked in place relative to the ground, it still orbits normally. But I can't apply any force to change it's orbit, and now the tug I sent to shunt it is unable to undock. So in frustration I thought, oh well, I'm going to hyperedit you into a 60km orbit and watch you burn. oh no, not happening. The station and the whole universe disappeared! Nothing but the void. When I reloaded the quicksave from before the HE attempt, the ship had become translucent. Some parts like docking ports and engines are still opaque, but most of the structural parts are see through. It is a ghost ship. Here's another pic, note the NaN for Electric Charge. I'm left with only two options I think; try to terminate it from the tracking station. I hate doing that to anything except debris that's landed on Kerbin, but it's left me no option. If that doesn't work, then I'll have to hack it out of the persistent file manually.
  9. Yeah Kerbin is pretty sweet. this is one of the few shots I've got that doesn't have some craft stealing the show!
  10. It's a good idea in theory, and your session information most likely already knows what OS you're using. But what about us duelies, I run ksp in win7 and Linux (& sometimes win10). And I often browse the forum on mobile, so the forum wouldn't know which OS is relevant. What might be more useful (no idea if it's possible), would be for the forum to popup a notification the first time you create a thread in help and support saying "as this is your first support question, dont forget you need to include the following info to help others help you better" or something like that.
  11. @Fraktal CraftManager doesn't do anything to the craft lists in the space centre view (launch-pad / runway craft lists). The issue of the autosaved craft being indistinguishable from the regular craft is something that happens in vanilla KSP. I would like to replace the vanilla craft lists in the space centre view with the CraftManager interface and then the autosaved craft would be labelled, but I've not had the time to experiment with how to replace those lists. I'm running KSP 1.4.5 and the edit craft button in the launch-pad/Runway windows is working fine, both in pure stock and with a bunch of mods. It's not CraftManager that's causing that to stop working, currently CM doesn't change anything in that view. I'd guess that it's another mod you've got installed.
  12. @Brigadier The UI can have it's height adjusted (in settings), but at the moment you can't adjust the width. I do plan on making the width adjustable, but it's a little more complicated. I think I'll also add an option in settings to enable/disable the mod lookup button, so if you don't want it shown then you can just disable it. The mod lookup is only as good as the information in the KerbalX database (which is pretty good, but it doesn't know about all mods). It can take a while for new mods to be listed. If the mod is available via CKAN then it will get listed pretty quickly, but it looks like Universal Storage II isn't on CKAN (hopefully they'll add it to CKAN soon).
  13. New Release - 1.0.4 (KSP 1.3.x) & 1.1.4 (KSP 1.4.x) Sorry it's taken me awhile to get to these updates, RL etc! The main changes in this release are: - settings (and the craft_data.cache) file have been moved into a PluginData folder, so changes to settings won't prompt MM to reload patches. - finally got a solution to the "craft has unsaved changes" message from showing up when the currently loaded craft has been saved. That should now work as expected. - I also added a "Mod Lookup" button to the craft details panel (only works if KerbalX integration is enabled). This will use KerbalX's mod database to check which mods a craft in your save is using. Was something that I wanted a few times recently, so hopefully others will find it useful too. If you are upgrading from the previous version, just overwrite/replace the current CraftManger folder with the new version. That will leave you current settings.cfg file in place and it will get automatically moved into its new home when the mod first starts. Change Log for 1.0.4/1.1.4:
  14. Very much this. I think achievements go against the grain for KSP. KSP is endless, without a checklist of things to complete, the end is only limited by what you can dream up. If there's a checklist then when you complete it, it would feel like there was nothing left to explore; it makes it very finite. I also think that feeling of wonder and ore awe of the first time you set foot on another planet would be really diminished by some immersion breaking notification saying "hey, you did something totally predictable, well done." We know that in reality most things have been done by someone else before, but that time you think of something that seems original and crazy (like flying an orbiting craft through a Mun arch), when you actually pull it off you feel like you've done something totally new. But if you get an achievement for it, then it's the game straight up telling you that it was so predictable they added a routine to check when you did it, and I think that would diminish the feeling of satisfaction. If they ever added achievements, the first thing I'd want is the option to turn them off (or a mod to silence them).
  15. I've only dabbled with creating stock hinges, so mine where probably not well made, but my conclusions were; results in high part count and not 100% reliable. If you want something to move, Install InfernalRobotics (which has it's own querks, but mostly gets the job done). Actually....looking (squinting) at that gif, it looks like the wing parts are clipping through the main tank....which would suggest that that's being done with IR rather than a stock hinge. If you are going to make a leg with stock hinges, then what I do know is that the leg has to have a docking port that it will re-attach to the main craft with when deployed. Otherwise it won't be strong enough and you'll get all kinda issues if you try to time warp.
  16. An invaluable mod is RCS build aid. It's not just for balancing RCS, infact that's the thing I use it for least. It helps you balance thrust and it adds markers for dry centre of mass and average centre of mass. It doesn't do any auto engine adjusting and is only available in the editors, but it lets you get the initial balance setup nicely. Looking at your design, you've got the engines positioned inline with the COM, but that prob shifts forward as it burns fuel. My suggestion would be to add another single VTOL engine in the front, move the current ones aft slightly and then tune the thrust of the front engine. With RCS build aid you could then see what thrust value it would need to be when the craft is fully fuelled and when it's empty. Then during flight you can use the context menu for that single front engine and adjust it's thrust between those values. Depending on how much the COM moves, you might be able to get away with just balancing it for the average COM and adding more SAS modules to account for the differences.
  17. Wooo, a wild Das sighted on the forums! That's a great vid, what a fab guest to have. I want a mod that has his voice doing callouts in my game!
  18. uh! I'd totally missed the notifications on this thread! Sorry guys! Not currently. I will see if I can make that work though. I'm not sure what that means either! What happens with the UI when those errors happen? yes absolutely. I didn't realise the MM convention when I made this, next update will fix this.
  19. I recently launched such a monstrosity, and even with attempts to take it carefully at the start, the drag at the front was too much.....so I wrapped it in a ridiculous fairing and it just worked. I'm not proud of this rocket:
  20. wow, very detailed answer @Snark, Thank you!! Looks like I won't be throttling back anymore then!
  21. There are too many people who I consider the pillars of this community, and so many folk who've been incredibly supportive of me. Some who've been around for ages, some who are quite new and some....(pours one out) who have sadly vanished. But if I really have to mention one person, it'd be the first person who I ever chatted with in direct messages (so many Muns ago) and who really encouraged me with my early youtube vids; @Vanamonde. ....I can't just mention one person, I've got to give a shout out to @Val for his support and incredible generosity (he made a huge donation to enable me to build a new gaming/dev computer, just so I could carry on working on KerbalX). And @swjr-swis for great help, support and encouragement in the early days of KerbalX. But there are so many amazing people one here, to just pick one is an impossible task.
  22. So there is this thing called Max Q. I know it exists from watching RL launches and from discussions on here, but how do you know about it from within the game? What clues are there to suggest it's there and what impact does it have? Is it even something worth considering? The only way that I have any sense of Max Q is from watching what the MechJeb Ascent Guidance autopilot does if you select the option to Limit Q. But I don't really have a feel for what is right, so with over powered rockets I throttle back a bit, usually after reaching around 150m/s and then throttle up again.....a bit later....but it's all very hand wavy and I don't know if doing that makes any difference. Is Max Q worth considering in KSP? Does it impact on ascent efficiency? And if so, how do you know when your craft is experiencing max dynamic pressure?
  23. Really like the updates, going from percentage to meters is a move in the right direction as are the other tweakscale changes. Only thing is it's caused a bit of a problem for existing craft that used the previous version of Nebula; they now have MASSIVE decals. Easy to fix on saved craft, but more problematic for those already in flight. Only thing I can think to do is to first use the editor to find out what the new size should be for each decal on each in flight craft and then search through the persistent file for the corresponding craft/decal and manually change the scale value. I can't think of a systematic way that I could make a script to do the job, so for now I'm sticking with the previous version. Is there a more cunning way of upgrading existing decals to the new scale rules? Or could you (not sure if possible) add in a legacy fallback method for craft with the old scale rules?
  24. If you just need height, as others suggested, use the altimeter. If you need width/depth too, then my way would be to use a Winch from the KAS mod. Place winch at one end, grab the connector and walk to the other end. Then right click on the winch and it'll say how much "rope" has been spooled out. It's basically a tape measure!
  25. huh, seems that the <username>/installed_mods url only works if you're logged into KerbalX, I shall have to fix that! Meanwhile this link should take you to the same mod pack without needing to be logged in - https://kerbalx.com/mod_packs/970
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