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Everything posted by Annoyingorbits

  1. Socialism FTW. Banned for blaming all Manchildren for the Big three downfall (I was sleeping for God's sake!)
  2. Yep! V Put In particular The User below me is Ignorant for not caring about Dr. Who's 50th Anniversary
  3. Let me go change mine to U.N.I.T Headquarters 1 sec Banned for telling me y u no let RP and Mudkip it's not nice to wish people really were banned. Edit: Unbanned for Styx Reference #Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto, Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto#
  4. sounds cool. If any pod, I'd use the One from the Gemini Pack regularly for 1.25M launches
  5. I am assuming in said amount of time Season 4 of youknowwhat and new Doctor who? People who think they are so tough but in truth they really aren't.
  6. (Yeah, the last excessive bit happened when I was sleeping, *sigh*) Banned for Kerbal Picture
  7. Broken Image link? Restart. Rock, paper Scissors!
  8. Who? The user below me thinks Lined paper art is better than 1000 hours in MSpaint
  9. I'm not In a relationship but getting there... The user below me knows someone IRL who likes KSP
  10. ....Who said they couldn't? I wish I could play Remove Kebab/Serbia strong on the Bagpipes/Chanter.
  11. Thanks starwhip, You A. Didn't answer my question B. Derailed the thread. The user below me likes Anime
  12. False The user below me will answer the question I posted without being ninja'd
  13. What is that... The user below me likes my avatar
  14. Nope. It helps to not be when Reading stories The user below me is bored.
  15. I don't follow, so false (120% Cooler avatar!) The user below me gets that yoke.
  16. oh gods i hate that too! Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!! *ded*
  17. Barely. The user below me likes the Serbian anthem #BOZE SPASI BOZE HRANIIIIII#
  18. True, though we have this lost language only very conservative people speak cause Engrish is a FEMDOGE to learn. (Is it? I thought Chinese was harder ) The user below me knows the name of said language (I'm in scotland)
  19. Granted, then the people overthrow you. I wish I could comprehend: The statement below is True The statement above is False
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