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Everything posted by Annoyingorbits

  1. 10/10 Hurry up and join the herd. (Joking)
  2. Nice Dalkoh's bar, but Personally I prefer SANDVICH
  3. 1/10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Remember your name a REALLY long time ago
  4. Granted, you forget everything that isn't even (Y u corrupt everything with Rule34) I wish Pample would find something else to use as a corruption tool.
  5. False! The user below me likes woodentoaster or Livingtombstone
  6. False The user below me isn't me.
  7. Granted, 'For a time the people were happy, but it could not last, for all their good intentions, the people lacked judgement.' I wish I could animate Cartoons.
  8. Fact: Every Tf2 Related result contains ponies.
  9. True. :C The user below me is a *puts on 20% Cooler Shades* Metal slug.
  10. You got that too? Huh, guess I'm not alone oh BTW 100 Points accumulated before they expire = Permaban Granted, you carry on unbeknownst to this, and eventually break the rules in one swift stroke. I wish I hadn't broken the rules too... Blue Dye = Breaking rules
  11. Granted, but it becomes so popular the forum breaks. AGAIN. (Who's stopping you from doing this yourself?) I wish Sal would make said game already.
  12. False, take this to the absolute nonsense thread pliz. The user below me is Well known in their own way.
  13. 2/10 saw you in my fanwork thread
  14. False, i'm a Pony in a Cat costume I wish- Whoops wrong game. The user below me, uhm, IS SOMETHING K THNX BAI DONT HATE ME PLS K THANX.
  15. False The user below me either has a Blue or or Dark blue name
  16. True. The user below me is bored.
  17. HU YOU GOT OWNED. False/True The user below me knows I edited my last post.
  18. False, I know r34, r63 and r85 and r85.2 (All ponies love hugs, no exceptions) The person below me is stoopid
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