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Everything posted by Annoyingorbits

  1. Banned, because you said pokemon one too many times (Banned myself for not capitalising Pokemon)
  2. True, back in Feb 2011 The user below me has me on steam (NOW IS THE TIME TO ADD ME HERR DOKTOR, Lt. Raythorne the Spitfire pilot)
  3. Didn't bobcat used to have a whole team? With Cleverwalrus, The_destroyer, CCCP and a few more? Speaking of which, where is The_Destroyer? we had some good times.
  4. 1/10 I recognise the avatar from the Super Mega Ultra Evil Genius game, but never seen you.
  5. (It's allowed in small doses) Macdonald's, Where fries meet their certain death https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=mcdonalds+logo&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Lcp3UtXiJ_GB7QbSo4GQAg&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=960&bih=543
  6. Granted, you don't wanna go. (What I'm on about: )I wish New doktor whu would change it's release date to sooner, I can't watch new doctor who and new MLP at the same time.
  7. I've seen him in the MLP-Ace Attorney Crossover. T'was good, but Trixie was god darn evil in it. True The user below me knows what I'm on about.
  8. 10/10 Because we are the common poster here
  9. Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!
  10. Ack! Why must it be JPEG? the worst type of file possible, It's just not classy! Unlike PNG over there...
  11. Headcanons are allowed... False The user below me knows what a headcanon is
  12. I'll look for a better one, gimmie a sec, besides why does it have to be JPEG, it looked fine on Derpibooru
  13. False/true. But I'm monochrome, still King though! The user below me knows what Octavia actually sounds like (I don't I'll be honest!)
  14. oh yeah? tell me where I live, work and eat! I live in ponyville and work as a musician, thank you very much!
  15. False, anything's better than a Monday though. The user below me is Skittle coloured pixel face, or Fluttershy
  16. 10/10 True, they weren't proper wings though, and they were very temporary.
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