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Everything posted by Annoyingorbits

  1. False The user below me is Blue or Green
  2. Granted, you waste the rest of your life trying to solve it I wish I could finish series 5-7 of Doctor who before new season.
  3. True. Glory to Detain Kebab! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUohS-Wx4vM The user below me has seen it
  4. False, too much work The user below me Likes TheInvertedShadow (Best GMODer since Rubberfruit! )
  5. Comin again to save the <redacted> day yeah!
  6. Uncle Phill why did you have to use NUMBERS NUMBERS NUMBERS!
  7. YOU IDIOT! IT'S REMEMBRANCE DAY YOU DOLT!(sorry, it's just very important to me...) False, Jesus people. The user below me like Rubberfruit
  8. http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=6988464
  9. False, i'm too tired to go linky clicking The user below me knows the Importance of Nov. 11th
  10. which one? the Rainbow scout quote? I likez yoo.
  11. You were my first KSP Forum friend *sniffles*
  12. Banned for larger avatar as to quote The Tenth doctor, 'It's not fair!'
  13. I can understand the hate for MLP guys, dun worry. Your profile pic is nice, I like how specific your location is, (Like we want to know what Galaxy you are in )
  14. True, because it's really chilly up here in Scotland! The user below me lives in a nice, warm place BECAUSE IT'S DAMN FREEZING UP HERE!
  15. Basic idea, say something nice to the above poster, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it. I can't compliment myself though, so Start!
  16. It looks like that's from Grand ages rome or something, so here's a GAR Army for you to burn it down.
  17. Granted, they all explode I wish Ace would come on steam
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