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Everything posted by BigNose

  1. I love the new example craft, the FAR Colibri kinda reminds me of a Mon Calamari Cruiser from Star Wars: It's so curvy yet so smooth!
  2. All you said is true, except there still seems to be a problem after all: The Debug Voxels for the turrets show a completly wrong shape, like a big box around it. Somethings fishy there, I have to test if it actually has the drag of a box.
  3. I just donated 7$, it isn't much but all I had handily available This is amazing!!
  4. Hey BahamutoD, I just send you a PM with a craft for you to consider as an example fighter for BDArmory. Let me know what you think!
  5. I can't replicate any problems. Using the lastest version in KSP 1.0.1, putting ANY mode in ANY Action group works just as well as using the right-click menu in flight.
  6. I don't use Extended Action groups but with the vanilla action groups they work fine.
  7. Not yet, the TrackIR 5 Software doesn't have KSP in it's list yet, I would have to switch Profiles manually every time. No biggy of course, I just thought the 6DOF camera controls should work for TrackIR.
  8. I have to say KerbTrack is more convinient to use TrackIR with because it has such things as working sensitivity sliders... In KSP 1.0.0, 6DOF sensitivity options are in, but greyed out.
  9. Fresh install vanilla KSP 1.0.0 (Steam version) running on Windows 7 64bit, using TrackIR 5.2.200: I start TrackIR 5, then KSP, headtracking in all scenes works fine, BUT: TrackIR seems to be very insensitive in KSP compared to all other games/sims (DCS, FSX, ArmA III) I use. Although there are sensitivity sliders for 6DOF devices on the right side of the menu (Setting->Input->Other), they are not accessable (greyed out). I guess this is not intended?
  10. Nope, still in the electrics node, like all other lights. Done some testing yesterday, they seem to work exactly as before, changing supported version number now.
  11. Van Disaster is right, the red beacon in interval mode is what you need. Also, runway lights are pretty easy to make using different colour navlights like this: http://i.imgur.com/a5HnPzC.jpg But now that KSP has them anyway, I don't see why you would other than marking a new runway somewhere.
  12. Turns out the great ferram4 already came to the rescue: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/105094-0-90-Better-Buoyancy-v1-0-Simple-Water-Fixes-12-27-14
  13. Suggestion: Maybe you can get in touch with ferram4 to make something like stall-buffeting possible (shaking induced by turbulent airflow across a stalled wing). Would really improve immersion in IVA flying.
  14. Good thought there, capping horizontal speed is necessary. Maybe like 20 times impact velocity or something? Some form of factor to impact velocity would be ok I think. If you wanted to get into it a bit more, the factor could be dependent on the vertical speed, to the faster you touch down (vertically), the less horizontal speed you can have.
  15. I just had a quick idea to improve the way parts interact with water and other fluids in the game somewhat: Currently the only thing which decides part destruction on fluid impact is total speed compared to the impact tolerance of the part. If speed is higher -> Part destroyed. Without overcomplicating this, how about changing this in the following way: The deciding factor for part destruction should be vertical speed compared to impact tolerance, not the total speed. That way, a steep crash into water would still be deadly, while gently touching down with much greater horizontal speed (like a plane) would become viable, without having to use rediculously high impact tolerance parts to simulate floats. While I'm not sure how much work a change like this would require, the benefits are immediatly obvious: Building stock seaplanes/boats would become a viable option, and the whole interaction with fluids, while still crude, would become much less ankward. What do you guys think?
  16. They should have just disabled the IVA View instead of showing a black screen.
  17. Very useful tool, until now I had to rebuild it in the correct order myself, which is quite a pain.
  18. So people are indeed silently agreeing! However, if we want change, we need to ask for it. Not just in the 'make it better' way, but giving constructive criticism and being specific about the problem at hand.
  19. 66 Views and no replies... Does everybody just silently agree, or is it just not relevant to you?
  20. Dear Squad, I want to make a suggestion for a quite simple but yet effective improvement to the already good IVA of the Mk1 Spaceplane Cockpit IVA Model: The areas marked with red borders impede forward visibility unnecessarily. The windows should continue to the front end, like the top part. Doing this alone would make a huge difference in increasing situaltional awareness during low altitude flight and landing. Sideview is very limited due to the huge black panels covering 2/3 of the available space on the sides, which makes me sad. The windows should continue like the red lines indicate. Of course, to make it consistent with the external texture, the window textures have to be extended as well. And that's it, wouldn't even require much remodelling/retexturing work at all, just cutting out/extending features/textures which are already in place. Of course this isn't a high priority request, but since Squad is working on the Cockpit IVAs anyway (Mk1 Inline, the new Mk3), I thought why not throw it in there as a little side project. Cheers and merry Xmas, BigNose
  21. So mediafire is starting to do this kinda thing too? ... Ok, moving to Kerbal Stuff! EDIT: I want to publish the mod on Kerbal Stuff, but it won't let me. Getting a 502 Bad Gateway error. I guess they are upgrading the website right now, I'll try again in a few hours. The mod is on there, the modsite is done, I just need to publish it.
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