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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Make sure your ModuleManager and your MM-config are in gamedata. - - - Updated - - - When will we get the latest release with the BATTERIES!?!?
  2. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92764-25-Stock-Part-Revamp-%28Redone-Plane-Parts!-Engines!-and-More!%29 This must into stock.
  3. Interesting idea, some have thought of before. I think it might be a better idea to have it on a separate button, because people don't just launch rocket ships. They also like to build weird ground contraptions. I'm curious to see what you think of 0.90's new limitations of building tiers, because a lot of people including myself have been worried about how newbies deal with career. In previous versions I would have definitely suggested you use career mode before sandbox mode, but in the latest version the difficulty curve of the game seems backwards, and when coupled with the learning curve, I'm scared this may be a problem.
  4. Luckily Jeb is the default Kerbal, so newbs will be able to use stabi--oh, what's that? Newbs kill Kerbals a lot? I forgot. Crap. Luckily there's a tip that says "You can't SAS without a pilot", so maybe they will try and find a pilot in the astronaut complex.
  5. I really had a lot of fun with eyeballing it, but I really recommend you bring waaaaaay more fuel than you would for a normal rendezvous. I ran out of fuel while I was practicing in 0.25, so I just CHEEEATS'd my way into infinite fuel to finish off the rendezvous. I came within 300 meters, but it was the dark side. I thought I was slow enough to timewarp to day side, but then I was suddenly 7 km away. I was not able to finish the rendezvous.
  6. One thing that just really grinds my gears: I always pictured the tier 1 VAB being a little garage-like area where the rockets are put together almost by hand. And the way the VAB actually works, this would seem to suggest that. So why the heck is the VAB so large in Tier 1 and Tier 2? It's almost as big as the final tier VAB, but on tier 1 you can only ever build rockets that are REALLY SMALL. So why isn't the VAB small as that to match? It really is too big. When I build in the Tier 1 VAB, and I find that my ship is too tall for the VAB or it has too many parts, it really feels just like a bullcrap arbitrary limit, not one that's related to my engineers or the building itself. If the VAB was actually small, then it would really feel like it's a true limit of the VAB itself, not just a gameplay limit. I even did a little "prototype" using the structural parts to build a box about the size of a proper tiny VAB, and feeling cramped really did feel like it would make the limit real. Also there's too much blue. TL;DR: I wanna feel cramped in the Tier 1 and 2 VAB/SPH because it makes the building limits seem real and not arbitrary.
  7. Probably not. It doesn't need to be any more interesting than it already is. It's really the moons that you go there for.
  8. They're based upon concepts I drew. The Redstone A-7 (Left) and the V2's engine (Right).
  9. Idea: Make them lights (Like the other lights) that run on electric charge, but without any charge drain.
  10. It's beautiful!!!!!!!!! And... omg. it's actually... Noooo. IT IS!
  11. Part of the goal of Jumbo32 is not only to increase the stock system's size, but also it's interest. And perhaps the logical way to increase this is the addition of the rest of the gas planets. Some of NovaSilisko's beloved musings will be used to further improve the universe. Sun: Will be renamed to "Kerbol", and will have an extremely overheating atmosphere. (That atmosphere heating code is still in the game, I am just not sure how to access it.) Moho: It will be given back it's deadly atmosphere, just to a lesser extent. It may also be made slightly more red. A special module may also be created for a spacecraft which acts as a temperature heatshield. Eve: Atmosphere will be made slightly smaller (Reverted to stock atmospheric height), but the pressure ASL will be made from 5 atm to 5.32 atm. -Gilly: Will be reverted to stock scale, but the gravity will be made 1.6x stock scale. It's ground will also be made to resemble a real asteroid like what can be found in RealSolarSystem with Deimos and Phobos. -Iphis: A small rock comparable to Gilly. Imagine a moonlet the size of 3.2x Gilly. It's put into a more inclined, more eccentric, higher orbit than Gilly. Dres: As you may already know, Dres now rotates waaaaay too fast. This is already in Jool: Holds the largest moons of the Solar System. -Vall: Vall's heightmap shall be reversed, as will the coloration of it's mountains/plains to correspond with this. -Tylo: Will be retextured to be a highly contrasting body like Iapetus. -Pol: Mountains/Crevices will be exaggerated. -Bop: Bop will be made to 1.6 scale, and it's mass will be 2.4 scaled. (From stock scale) Voon: A Gas Planet 115% the size of Jool but only 70% the mass. It must resemble that which is shown here. Rings hopefully. -Eeloo: Of course it's relocated to Voon. May talk to NovaSilisko about those geysers he prototyped. As in current version of Jumbo32, Eeloo gets a tenuous atmosphere. -Daphy: Smooth, round, boring ball of boring fluff. It's one advantage is a rather high rotation speed (Not nearly as much as Dres!) and great views of Voon and it's moons. -Potatus: Well if Dres is spinning too fast, how can Potatus be made interesting? It's inclination is almost 67 degrees from Voon's equator. -Fonso: Voon's largest moon, almost as big as Moho, and with a high, thick atmosphere. Several mountains actually rise out of the atmosphere entirely into the vacuum. Sillas: A smaller "Ice Giant" planet. It's not really an Ice Giant, it's really an absolutely MASSIVE rocky planet with 5 gees of gravity and a hugely thick atmosphere. (This is not my idea, remember, this is NovaSilisko's. Blame him.) If possible, it will have uber high axial tilt. -Pordos: Just a boring moon made interesting because of it's low inclination relative to Sillas's equator. Which is very tilted. Nesph: A Proper Ice Giant planet. If the Kerbal Weather Mod is ever finished, then Nesph will have VERY high winds. -Thudrim: A captured dwarf planet the size of the Mun with Earth/Kerbin Gravity ASL. Also it's in a retrograde orbit. Bluto: Taken from the name Blutonium from the RTGs. It's literally just Pluto. Charn: A dwarf planet that happens to be in the exact same orbit as Bluto. In fact, it's orbiting Bluto. And Bluto is orbiting it.
  12. How about this for GP2? (It's a recolored Venus cloud map)
  13. I don't know. It's just something that's popped up a few times in rescaling discussions. I think someone worked it out by taking the delta-v of something in stock and comparing it 6.4x. It's only meant to be an approximation.
  14. Does this have any special treatment for nosecones or fairings?
  15. I don't know about anyone else, but it really feels like there's too much blue in the tier 1 and tier 2 space centers. Also, there's too much empty space in the R&D Facility. I think the whole lot should be filled with stuff, just in different architectural styles. But one thing I really do love is the borken bits on tier 1 being held up with struts on the SPH. And the cute awesome little bunker. And that we can go under the flame trench. I love the buildings, except there's just too much blue in them. Is it supposed to be solar panels? If so, why's there a solar-panel helipad? I also like the Tier 2 buildings a lot! It's like the Tier 3 buildings rebuilt in Tier 1's style. Great stuff! Just too much blue in them!
  16. Maxmaps and other devs have stated several times that KSP's Career Mode is meant to guide new players through the game. The Tech Tree limits the amount of parts to what a player can handle, they unlock parts as they need them and are thus not overloaded with a plethora of parts all at once. And the Tech Tree does this wonderfully. Additionally, as a veteran player I very much enjoy the difficulty of the non-upgraded facilities. But they're not quite integrated well for a new player. Here's a few things which might improve the game for n00bs, without getting in the way of veterans. -No Kerbal Rendezvous contracts until after the tracking station can do targeting and maneuver nodes. While it is possible to rendezvous blind, (I almost did it myself yesterday while preparing for 0.90; Scott Manley did it in 0.14) N00bs can barely rendezvous with all the help in the world! This would certainly help to keep people from complaining about how they get up there if you can't even leave your command pod! -New Contracts link directly to tutorials. The contracts could link to a tutorial mission that is relevant to the contract. An ARM would link to the ARM Tutorial save, an orbit contract would link to the Orbiting 101 tutorial, etc. -Make Easy Mode default when Tutorials are turned on in settings. To keep veterans happy, tutorial linking could be turned off. THis would also make Normal Mode the default Career mode settings; where it would be Easy by default. I believe Mr. Steven Mading here said it best:
  17. Which Holland? North or South? Or just Netherland? Greetings from Carolina.
  18. Steam downloaded the update in 5 minutes. (Though it was probably sped up because I did not start perfectly from scratch)
  19. Oh wow! It's finally here! I was right about maxmaps being uber cyrptic! And the hypeTrain thread broke 100 pages! I was decorating the HypeTree (Sleepdriving the hypeTrain) at the time, and did not notice! OMG!
  20. https://twitter.com/Maxmaps/status/544590778853773312 Sorry guys. Looks like we're not getting it today or tomorrow. Unless Maxmaps is being uber cryptic again and he's actually saying it's gonna release today.
  21. The glowing lights. But I wonder, do they turn off when depleted of charge?
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