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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. *Kerbals create sparks when bumping into and walking on parts. *If you are still sparking while the two sparking surfaces are removed from each other, the lights remain; if you are touching but not sparking, then remove the two parts from each other, there's no leftover lights. *The sparking is too sensitive, I feel like it should only ever happen if you're dragging along the ground at relatively high speed, not when you just bump the ground or when scraping slowly forwards. *Moar Sound FX for different parts!
  2. I'm pretty sure one of those locations was just the wormhole station from Interstellar. (Or at least an O'Neil Cylinder)
  3. 5m parts represent the Saturn V much better than 3.75m parts. In fact, they represent the Space Launch system better than 3.75m parts. The Mk1-2 pod is a three-man capsule, based more on Apollo than Orion, but since we didn't get a new capsule in 0.23.5, the Mk1-2 had to fill in, and the scale would make the SLS be 3.75m instead of 5 or 6.4m (6.4m is actually more in scale with the Apollo capsule for SLS and Saturn V)
  4. I think he wants just the textures that work here so he can use Ven's Stock Revamp.
  5. Yeah, it definitely can't be anything based on Pesos because Pesos are not even a teeeeeeny tiiiiiny bit stable.
  6. Needs to be more wrinkled and less crispy-edged.
  7. Kerbals need to chatter in stock KSP, also we need the KIA screens back. Simple as that. Old versions of KSP had KIA screens, and even OLDER versions (pre-release), had Kerbal talking. Also, maybe even a crew transfer button on the screens that allow you to transfer crew without hunting for crew hatches.
  8. Why the heck is this using DDSs? Not only do I need DDS loader, I also can't see which textures are which.
  9. Not original three anyway. Another default set of Kerbs, however...
  10. Jeb's too professional for "crushes". Bob though... He's got his eyes on Emmany Kerman. Metaphorically.
  11. Kerman. It's a real last name. I had a friend who's cousin's sister's name was Kerman. "Man" has no gender connotation in last names. Not to mention Skye Manley. (Scott's daughter)
  12. I'm pretty sure they fixed physicslessness of the O-10, and at any rate, increasing it's mass would also entail giving it physics.
  13. I know of this mod; but I'm talking about stock parts.
  14. How can I make this available to whomever has the link? (i.e., control the ship using Telemachus and a livestream window, but from a different computer in a different location, or even several) I remember someone once gave a link to telemachus and told people to rescue the ship using only a livestream and telemachus, and I'd like to do something like that.
  15. Okay, so after some closer looking, I want a huge lowering of thrust on the KR-2L, and a new F-1 engine analog.
  16. My guess? lower terrain detail, see what that does. I have no idea what's causing that. Do you have some kind of LaunchSites cfg in your RealSolarSystem folder? I can tell your graphics settings are not very capable. The darker ground and everything. Are you sure you're using the latest version? *sees the land to the south-east side of KSC* Yes you are. No idea what's going on.
  17. Look at it. It looks like an F-1. It has high thrust like an F-1. It has low atmosphere efficiency like an F-1.
  18. Looks pretty close to me. Oh, and remember that parts in KSP are around 64% real scale counterparts, unless using Realism Overhaul.
  19. For instance, if Cargo-Bays for Mk2 parts weren't to have made it into 0.25, then we'd probably not get it until 0.90.0. Why not release part-features as soon as they're ready? Like 0.25.5: Cargo-bay update. Obviously, this didn't happen, we got Cargo-Bays in time. But it was a real threat back then, that we'd not get them until "0.26". Now we're on the edge of our seats because Mk3 Cargo-Bays might not be available in time; and the emergency release date wouldn't be until 0.91.0. Well, there's an answer to this. What do you guys think?
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