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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. But the Stock gear does not allow surface attachment, so it doesn't matter. Heck, the Parachutes don't fit the same dimensions!
  2. Yeah, but to be honest I don kinda wish the orange Suits remained Orange on EVA. This might even allow for some difference between JebBillBob and other orangeSuits, JebBillBob could have orange helmet stripes while other orange Suits have grey helmet stripes?
  3. This thread is about discussing the possibility of rings. We will assume, hypothetically, that they WILL be implemented in some form, and (for the simplicity of not involving the GP2 suggestion), go around Jool. But first, a statement about mod rings. No mod seems to have been able to do rings right. They all look way to dark&solid and are just not pretty. You'd obviously make them much nicer looking! Approach One: Hologram This is the dumbest, but easiest to implement approach. You just make the rings a scaledspace object that isn't really there. Approach Two: Hologram+Asteroids Just Hologram with some asteroids spawning inside the rings. It wouldn't give enough rocks though. Approach Three: Physical bits within 2.5km NO! KSP already struggles with physics, and this would kill your PC! Approach Four: "Ghost Forces" and on-rails particles/rotating ring texture, and SCIENCE! This is probably the most practical. When passing through the rings, timewarp is restricted, and you are dragged by phantom forces off course slightly into the orbit of the rings. Parts might also have some damage applied to them that is related to the relative velocity to the rings. If you're in the same orbit as the rings, you witness a beautiful freefall of particles. Occasionally one or two small asteroids might spawn, but they despawn after 2.5km. You can use the grabber claw to grab these and bring them home. Joolean Ring'roids are different (as far as science, at least) from regular Asteroids, and have higher science multiplier. You can also take a sample when in the rings, or expose goo and material bay to the rings. The phantom forces will (when accounting for the fact that Re-Entry Heating will probably be implemented) almost make rings a sort of very thin orbital velocity atmosphere! So yeah, what are your thoughts?
  4. Do you play Full RSS anymore or just this? OR do you have multiple iterations of KSP?
  5. Ooh, that'd be a cool.... wait. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99498-NoTorque-RCS-for-Command-Pods?p=1528988#post1528988 You've given me this bad bad bad horrible awesome idea. Ven, you must read this! [/crazy]
  6. So, as we all know, the reaction wheels in the default command pods are a bit too powerful. (Also in the other reaction wheels) This mod would be somewhat simple to remove the torque, just an MM config to remove pod torque. But the other part is adding RCS thrusters to the pods. They would be only on the Mk1, Mk1-2, and maybe something else. They'd also feature RCS Thrusters set into the model/texture, and be designed by Ven for Stock Part Revamp compatibility. I'm crazy for suggesting a specific modder to do the models, yes. No denying that.
  7. Ooh, that'd be a cool.... wait. Stay tuned in the Mod suggestions thread.
  8. That Aerospike WIP looks pretty good though. Erm.. Multiple Forum Tabs open causes problems. Wrong thread.
  9. I'm going to try this again. Documenting what occurs. Start: Gamedata folder has NASAmission, Part Revamp Extras, Squad, ModuleManager.2.5.1.dll, and Part Revamp-MM.cfg Everything works fine. Downloading SXT from THIS link http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24906-WIP-LLL-Lack-Luster-Labs-LLL-12-2-10MAY2014-SXT-PATCH-09OCT2014-KSC-v3 (The fix for 0.25) Now SXT is added in Gamedata between Squad and ModuleManager.2.5.1.dll. Starting KSP to see how it works without your patch. KSP Stops loading parts (But is still technically running, not frozen) at SXT/Parts/Engine/NERVA/part/SXTNERVA Module Manager has applied 95 patches. Closing KSP. Removing part.cfg from Gamedata/SXT/Parts/Engine/NERVA KSP stops loading on SXT/Parts/Engine/NERVA/partFatmun/SXTNERVAB Removing Gamedata/SXT/Parts/Engines/NERVA entirely. This usually allows KSP to load fine in past experiments. KSP loads to Main Menu. Going into VAB, Parts look stupid and horrible, the same as when i tried using this before. Closing KSP. Downloading the Stock eXTension Patch from the OP of this (Stock Part Revamp) Thread. Putting the stuff in GameData into GameData. 0RevampBak and zFinal are in GameData Launching KSP. Many parts look the same as they did before the Patch, except some of them have this crazy redness. However, surprisingly to me, some part DO look fine this time! (Mostly the engines) Stock parts look fine. (And revamped!)
  10. I suppose I should take a stance on the Aerospike. IMO, a Linear Aerospike doesn't make much sense on a cylindrical rocket. LinearSpikes are designed to be used on the backs of lifting-body spaceplanes. This does lead to the interesting idea of a Linear Aerospike fitted to a Mk2 fuselage. But yeah, I think the 1.25m Aerospike needs to be a Toroidal 'Spike.
  11. Yes. That is what I did. The white/glitchy STOCK part textures was just me having accidentally deleted the Stock Revamp config more MM. But almost none of the SXT parts have good textures after I installed your patch. (Or presumably before as well, I haven't tried)
  12. Is it possible to softcodilize the orbital altitudes? Or do I not understand what "Hardcode" means? Yeah, I probably don't understand what Hardcode means... EDIT: Is it possible to still do a part test contract in suborbital or orbital space while still being in the atmosphere? The game music still recognises 70km as "space".
  13. I'm waiting for 0.90 to use FinePrint and/or CustomBiomes. It's sort of a self-rule that I never use a mod that's about the be implemented so that it really feels like an ADDITION.
  14. Ven, could you perhaps release that first SciLab IVA you showed us earlier, just so we could have SOMETHING? (And also a way to EVA Kerbals without hatch finding)
  15. Not redundancy. It's a separate issue. It also adresses female Kerbals, I suppose, but Sara wouldn't be a default Kerbal.
  16. Yes, and bonus points if they have suspension as well. - - - Updated - - - I'd kinda like to see these made in the style of Ven's Stock Part Revamp
  17. Definitely liking those smaller windows. Can we have a 1.25m version of these? Including a 3-Kerbal Mk1 Pod? To hell with realism! I want nostalgia!
  18. I don't think GP2 is coming before 1.0. NovaSilisko has left the team, and at any rate there'd still be another Pluto if Eeloo is changed.
  19. Jebediah, Bill, and Bob remain orange-suited because they are a part of the game's history. When the game was young. There's also Kirk Kerman and Kurt Kerman who can spawn randomly, as well as 33 more. Adam Al Alan Archibald Buzz Carson Chad Charlie Chris Chuck Dean Ed Edan Edlu Frank Franklin Gus Hans Jack James Jim Kirk Kurt Lars Luke Mac Matt Phil Randall Scott Scott Sean Steve Tom Will Some of these names come from people, like Scott Manley, Ed Lu, and Randall Munroe, but many others come from the Kerbo Logs. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/8995-I-have-found-it!!-THE-ORIGINAL-KERBO-LOG There were other Kerbo Logs that have not survived, and many other tinfoil Kerbals (including Jeb, Bill, and Bob; all presumably from separate logs, simply remembered when they were first implemented) I think that any of these names that came from the Kerbo Logs should be made into Orange-Suits. They'd still have to spawn before they show up, but they'd have orange suits, recognizing that they came first. Or maybe they should be given another, more special suit. To further acknowledge where they came from, perhaps they might have a unique tinfoil suit. - - - Updated - - - Also, here's where the name list came from. http://pastebin.com/CYzvhutY
  20. I just realized "Kerbal X" Was the most successfull of these flights, which is why the Mun Rocket is named Kerbal X!
  21. And still no luck after trying a few different things. Only the 5m Kerbodyne tanks seem to be okay. Almost all of the parts are screwed.
  22. My game won't load the SXTnerva part. It doesn't freeze, but it just won't load that part. EDIT: I removed the NERVA folder from parts/engine. The game loads, but several of the stockven parts are white, and almost NONE of the SXT parts have good textures. EDIT2: White textures seem to be caused by not having Part-Revamp-MM.cfg in the gamedata folder, just so you know.
  23. What happened to him? There seems to be some accusations here. People think he's been fired, and are implying Squad is "evil" or something for firing someone with a kid. http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2lj9e0/squad_just_fired_the_employee_that_has_a_newborn/ The link goes to the KSP about page, which has a bit about the developers of the game, including legacy developers. A while ago, Lalo (Eduardo) had a kid, announcing it on a devnote. Here's my standpoint on the subject: As far as i can tell, this is his last devnote. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91100-Devnote-Tuesdays-The-Can-t-Spell-Kerbal-without-K-Edition Let's try and keep assumptions and accusations to a minimum!
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