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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. If you know me you know that I'm a huge fan of the Railway Series by the Rev. W. Awdry, as well as the classic Thomas and Friends show by Britt Alcroft. You know, the first three seasons narrated by Ringo Starr. (or if you are American and not an Anglophile, George Carlin) So I had a silly idea. Tomoly and Gordard Tomoly is a Tank Spaceship, who lives at the big space station around the planet of Kerbin. He's a cheeky little spaceship with six small thrusters, a short stumpy funnel, a short stumpy fuel tank, and a short stumpy crewcab. He's a fussy little spaceship too. Always pulling Hitchhiker Storage Containers about for the big spaceships to take on loooong journeys. And when the spacetrains come in, he takes the empty Hitchhiker Storage Containers away so the big spaceships can go and rest. Tomoly thinks no engine works as hard as he does. He loves playing tricks on them, including Gordard, the biggest spaceship of all. Tomoly loves sending high pitched radio signals rudely at him. "Wake up Lazy-Squeedlyspooch, why don't you work hard, like me?" One week after carrying the Jool Express, Gordard arrived back at the station very tired. He was just going to sleep when Tomoly rendezvoused with him in his cheeky way. "wake up Lazy-Squeedlyspooch, do some hard work for a change! You can't catch me!" and off Tomoly ran, laughing. Instead of going to sleep again, Gordard thought of how he could get back at Tomoly. One morning Tomoly wouldn't wake up! His Pilot and copilot couldn't make him start. His program went off and there was not enough fuel. It was nearly time for the Jool Express! Kerbals were waiting but the Hitchhiker Storage Containers weren't ready! At last, Tomoly started. "Oh dear, oh dear!" He yawned. He fussed into the station where Gordard was waiting. "Hurry up you!" Said Gordard. "Hurry Yourself!" Replied Tomoly. Gordard began making his plan. "Yes." said Gordard. "I will." And almost before the Hitchhiker Storage Containers zeroed out their velocity with the station, Gordard docked right into them. "Get in quickly please!" He radioed to the Kerbals in the station. Tomoly usually helped push the big trains to help them start, but he was always decoupled just before the trajectory would bring him out of Kerbin's sphere of influence. This time Gordard was thrusting so fast they couldn't undock Tomoly until it was too late. To keep him from getting lost in deep space they coupled him right back to the spacetrain. Gordard's chance had come! When they arrived at Jool, Gordard made a course correction. "Come along, come along!" He said to the Hitchhiker Storage Containers. The spacetrain accelerated faster and faster! Too fast for Tomoly! He wanted to fall but he couldn't! "BEEP BEEP! Stop! Stop!" Tomoly radioed! "Hurry Hurry Hurry!" Laughed Gordard! "You can't get away! You can't get away!" The Hitchhiker Storage Containers laughed! As the Spacetrain fell into Jool, poor Tomoly was going faster than he had ever gone before! He was on fire, and his thrusters were ablating away but he had to go on! "I shall never be the same again!" Tomoly cried. "My Thrusters will be quite worn out!" Gordard was enjoying himself. At last they braked around Jool Station. Tomoly was feeling very silly and exhausted. Next he docked on to a gravity wheel, thinking of everyone laughing at him. And then he docked onto a station hub out of the way. "Well, little Tomoly" Chuckled Gordard. "Now you know what hard work means, don't you." But Tomoly was too tired to answer. He just thrusted slowly away, and had a long drink of the finest Hydrazine available. He burned back to intercept Kerbin with very low acceleration, and was very careful never to be cheeky to Gordard again.
  2. This challenge officially endorsed by GregroxMun, the HypeTrain Driver.
  3. As my rival Jedi has stated, there's nothing interesting going on right now. We can expect to stop at Media Group Station relatively soon, though.
  4. http://www.kerbalcomics.com/2013/01/02/episode-18-planet-of-the-kerbals/ Captain Skunky knew about this feature for almost a year! Or More!
  5. Exploding. Effing. Buildings. Danny2462 is smiling so big right now.
  6. Here's a drawing to show what various bits of rolling stock look like. Some coaches may not be here.
  7. We're fast approaching the HypeTrainStationofMaximumHype! I can practically smell it!
  8. The HypeTrain has prevailed for weeks, staying constantly at 40-45 percent. The HypeTrain shall win!
  9. Hoards of kerbals running into the bunker (the second new building near the runway) before a launch. If you get to the crowd before they get in the bunker, you can blow them up!
  10. We can provide that too, but some people don't want to go through the trouble of finding songs themselves.
  11. If you want total honesty, no one said I was the HypeTrain driver at first. As a joke, I said that I was the HypeTrain driver, and pretended to give status updates in the comments section on the livestream. Eventually a large chunk of the forum community started acknowledging me as the HypeTrain driver. I admit that during this update I may have gone too far. But the HypeTrain is not owned by Jebediah or the Space Program. The HypeTrain services other events and communities. I only drive for the KSP community if I can help it. The first rule of improv is "Say Yes", which means that for the sake of the fun, you acknowledge something that the first person said and don't contradict it. I'm no different than Ask Blogs, where people pretend to be characters of a franchise and people ask them questions and they answer in-character. There's no real HypeTrain. There's no real driver. There's just some guy sitting on an office chair trying to have harmless fun with the community he loves.
  12. I think this would be a great Kerbal Space Program 2: Thhis time it's kerbanal.
  13. I disagree with your statement that I am not living.
  14. I apologize for the earlier anger. I was upset for personal reasons. If you would please edit your posts acknowledging my apology that would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Due to my decidedly childish nature, I still understand toys. Model trains are not good toys, but toy trains are. Model trains are slow, flat, and boring. The fun in model trains is the putting the model railway together (or if you like a challenge, shunting trucks). The fun in toy trains is the crashes, thrills, and spills. You can have plots of elevations, high speed chases, and your trains can be characters. Kids don't care about lights and sounds and automation. They want to play with their hands and their imagination. They don't want aquarium cars instead of boxcars. Boxcars/Goods Vans can have anything in them, an Aquarium Car can only hold one thing for one destination. The idea of a simple toy being the most fun was brought up in an Episode of Phineas and Ferb. It was called Toy to The World. A company makes a "toy" that's just a monkey moving up and down a tree by itself. Phineas and Ferb realize that that's not fun enough, and pitch their idea of a toy to the CEO of the toy manufacturer. It's a green wooden block painted like their platypus. It was so simple it could be anything! A bucking bronco, an airplane, a dancer, or a platypus. This is akin to a child finding a stick and using it a a sword, or a fishing rod, or a lightsaber, or a gun, or a Sonic Screwdriver.
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