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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Chatting about KSP and SoTS with NovaSilisko, former Dev of KSP, on the SoTS IRC.
  2. Correct. It can have Boosters or an external tank or whatever. But no part of the craft can have jets, rapiers, sabres, or ions.
  3. The way this works is kind of like Better Stock Crafts. The goal is to build a vehicle that fits a certain need and a certain objective. No Ferram. There is a week-long building period and a week long, two part voting period. The first three days of the voting period narrow down the 5 finalists, and then the finalists are voted on during the last 4 days. Like any good competition, the most votes win. This week: The Mun Shuttle. The Mun Shuttle must be a reusable winged spacecraft that is capable of landing on the Mun (or optionally Minmus as well), and returning safely to Kerbin, Intact. It does not have to be Single Stage, and it can not have any Jet, RAPIER, SABRE, or Ion engines. It must be a winged vehicle that can land at KSC, and can not land using parachutes, however a drag chute may be deployed on the runway. It must carry a payload to the Mun, and deploy it on the surface. Inspiration: Allowed Mods are: B9 Aerospace Kerbal Aircraft Expansion Kerbal Stock Parts Expansion Flight Manager for Reusable Stages Space Shuttle Engines (Can not use modular tank system) PorkWorks Mk2 Stock Expansion Infernal Robotics RealChute(Can only use drag chutes) And Anything that does not alter gameplay or add parts. (Visual/Auditory Enhancement Mods)
  4. You may have noticed my custom skybox. If you want it, here it is. Space is black most of the time due to DistantObjectEnhancement.
  5. Bill, Jeb, and Bob sat at the lunch table at the Astronaut Complex. "It's quite amazing what we've accomplished in these past few years." Bill said, setting his lunch down and stirring his soup. "Yeah." Bob replied, an enthusiastic smile on his face. Jeb rose his finger. "You know we've got only a week until the Launch of the Jool mission. Amazing." "It's hard to believe that Kerbin only got into space a few years ago." Gene said, as he sat down. Wernher approached, sat down, and waved at his friends. "Vhat are ve talking about?" He asked. "We just got offworld first a couple years ago." Gene repeated. "Oh, no! Ve didn't." Wernher said. The other kerbals all stared at him. Wernher started to tell a story. You see, my grandfather vas in ze military as an engineer. Every few veeks he'd save some of ze gunpowder from ze shipments of Bullets. He vanted to prove zat ve veren't just limited to ze sky, like all the airplane engineers had always thought. He put together all of ze collection of gunpowder he could together and encased it in a long barrel. He ignited it and it flew up into ze sky. His name vas Professor Phineas Kerbenstein. Vernher pulled out a notebook. Phineas zen got funding from military to continue his research. He eventually built ze first Raumfahrzeug. He called it ze Orbitification Device. Ze test vas actually too successful. Phineas vas very very excited to hear zat Jeb vas not only alive, but he had vent all ze vay to ze Mun. Ze military gave him enough leftover scraps and boilers and dead whales to pull off a Mun landing! "Wait, Dead Whales?" Bob asked. Vell, zey didn't have any liquified Hydrogen or Oxygen yet, so zey used WhaleOil and NitrousOxide. Wernher's pager beeped. Vell, I'm need in ze VAB. I'll tell you ze rest of ze story later.
  6. I think for the purposes of this challenge, FAR makes it harder because of the complexity of building something so big.
  7. holding down ALT+D+R doesn't work. I've tried it in Space Center and VAB, but no.
  8. I think that a mission to Mars should be saved for a landing. Something that there's a point to do. With a flyby you just take some pictures and go back, and you'd be cooped up in a cabin for 20 months.
  9. I like that SoTS IRC links to XKCD What If's Little Planet.
  10. A Few Questions from GregroxMun. Will there be multiple "tiers" of projectile weapon? Can we expect Estes-Rocket powered Missiles with a PVC potato-canon launcher? Will there be any Easter Eggs perhaps referencing a certain game about little green men exploring space? It the game meant to be easily modded like KSP? Will it be possible to create new planetary systems from scratch, and if so will that be via mods, cfg files, or high-tier technology? Should I get some sleep, it's really late... Are stars large SGCs or regular SGCs with lots of matter stuck to them? Will black holes be possible? Would there even be a point to having black holes, if that's essentially just what an SGC is? Will there be any gravitational sources that move? How would you go about abducting Orange Slime Cubes? Or Chickens? Will there be some form of procedurally generated creatures, so that you don't just have repetitious creatures over and over again? What if you had two SGCs in one planet? In the "Umbra" Concept art (The reddish spacerock), do those jets on it push the spacerock around at all? Do SGCs have static size, density, or gravity? Can different SGCs have different Gravitational attraction? Do they have different diameters? Do they have varying densities? Are all SGCs Identical? Can SGCs be destroyed? If so, what happens to the planet? Will there be sandbox-style tools to do things like superheat planets, or freeze them (kind of like Spore Space Stage)? Is Dr. Tony Pistachio all alone is the MEA facility? Could Microspace Tourism/Manned MicroSpaceflight be a possibility? If you hadn't already planned on any of these things, did I give you ideas about them?
  11. The download link leads to a malicious iLivid (I mean really that name literally means Internet Anger) download, and I would like to have the textures for a project I'm doing. Is the link just plain dead? Is the original creator still active?[/blatant and Intentional Necro]
  12. How do I move the gauges around on the screen? Clicking and dragging doesn't work, is there some other way to do it?
  13. Let me fix your insanely annoying Capital Letter At The Beginning Of Every Word. Anyway, on the content of your post... Yeah, that's a shame. I thought I saw someone who had made a planet a bit bigger that you could drive a rover on. Maybe if you made it much bigger?
  14. But "Before The Space Suits" was going to be the title of my origin story! I've been writing it for a week so far, and I only saw this today!
  15. What I meant was just the fuselage part of the Skylab. The fuel tank/dry workshop section. But, I would like to see a 1970s NERVA.
  16. E-1 engine or Skylab
  17. 3-stage Duna Lander. Stage 1 is in-flight/lander stage. Stage 2 is ascent stage, stage 3 is ascent stage and in flight stage.
  18. I ahve a request that I've been wanting to see for a long time. A B612/Little Prince/XKCD What If little Planet. THis little planet would have 1 gee ASL and a radius of about 1.75 meters.
  19. Why is there a folder in the TextureReplacer folder called "Asteroids"?
  20. Has anyone made an asteroid texture? If so, couldd you PM me the original Squad texture for the asteroid?
  21. HAve you tried playing Calculon's installation disc backwards? Try Chanting more things. Maybe if you first spawn one of the other krakens, The Kraken will begin to stir.
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