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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. And I am very excited to be able to use a warp engine without a noobish hack that I used. And for photon torpedoes. edit: I tried that docking port thing, but do NOT have any superhigh impulse power unless you want both the shuttlebay and the shuttle to fall off. No more than six gees of accelleration should be available to the Enterprise. Also, a bit of a request. It would be really neat if a more accurate simulation of resources was simulated. Deuterium+Antideuterium used to create Warp Plasma and Deuterium and Warp Plasma used in a warp engine, where Warp Plasma is massless (as the unheated material that becomes warp plasma never leaves the ship, it is just stored elsewhere), and Deuterium/Antideuterium has mass. Warp Nacelles that have bussard collectors (which are all of them in the mod so far) can constantly replenish Deuterium/Antideuterium, especially at higher warp factors. This is supposedly how Star Trek propulsion works. A request: Firespitter textureswap for renaming starships, including Kerbalized starship names.
  2. It already has lots of attention. Applying any more dev work would exponentially decrease output of work and quality into multiplayer and decrease the amount of work put into the rest of the game even more. If you want to rush multiplayer, go try DarkMultiPlayer. It's fun enough, though glitchy.
  3. They are working continually on multiplayer, and recently they started giving it more attention. It will be out "as soon as its ready." You are not going to have it out any faster in this manner.
  4. How could I be so stupid all my life. I only just now realized there is an efficient way of searching for words in word searches. Skim all of the diagonals, vertical,s and horizontals. You don't have to search blindly.
  5. I came home from lunch to find this? Awesome! I've played with the new parts, and even without having done a mission, I think this is something that definitely should be made stock just because of the antennae and probe core. I see no reason why this must be kept out of the game. We all know the mod will end up going unmaintained after a few updates, just as the Bouncy-balls did. (Speaking of which, lithobraking would be aided very much by special landing-spheres using the old bouncy-ball module from that mod) Though I do have a complaint: There's not any tutorial on how to use it. I brought a telescope out to Eve and the telescope said "Misaligned with Eve"
  6. Would it not be possible to make the impulse engine a separate part? You could then separate their throttles. I suspect the high thrust from them would pull (push?) it apart unless you could somehow guarantee a perfectly solid connection. And please have some method of docking the shuttle to the Enterprise without an ugly docking port. I tried a claw, but then happened.
  7. I did manage to get the Enterprise to work with a warp engine. So that was nice. I set it to 31.4x c warp speed, which is 1/10 of the max safe speed of the Enterprise (Old scale Warp 6). I had to remove the Impulse Power and replace it with more powerful RCS engines so that you don't thrust and warp with the throttle.
  8. That was my Layman's conclusion as well. Perhaps the second stage tried to ignite too early? - - - Updated - - - I think, first time around, while I was watching the stream, I saw what seemed to be a parachute deploying on a small white dot. It may just be my imagination though.
  9. ":( You're an ugly growth on my face." Now Valentina that is just uncalled for.
  10. It is a custom art work, not found or part of real life. You can get several skybox packs for Texture Replacer, one of them is an HD version of the stock pack, I believe it is Zexy's Skybox. If you really want it, there are ways to rip the texture from the game. I don't know how, but the TextureReplacer thread should have instructions.
  11. Well then we'll wear our reddit flaires too!
  12. South-East coast USA please. I'd love to go. Maybe us light-green group people should get a T-shirt with the Light Green Group pips printed on it. Several conventions might make sense.
  13. The Type-F shuttlecraft really doesn't like flying. In some cases it starts a runaway action where it just sort of flies in circles uncontrollably and accellerates speed, with no SAS, RCS, or Engine on. Is it because you're using the old Module system or something? Is it because you've tried to make it glide too well? EDIT: How do you dock Shuttlecraft to the Enteprise? It'd be real nice to not have the shuttle crushed against the bay doors whenever I jump to warp. One more thing: RoverDude's Warp Drive mod compatibility, is that going to be a thing?
  14. Where can I find this new release? I'm just seeing normal 1.8.1 everywhere I look.
  15. Yes, I am a hyoo-mahn. Why do you ask? That's not a Russian accent. What do you mean, I am totally from the United States of Australia. You mean America? Yeah, sure. One of those things. But you're Russian. Oh right, yes, ov course. I vill keep this in the mind. Something's weird with you today Valentina. I swear it is a real nose! What? That's actually Valentina Tershkova's nose. I copied Valentina Tereshkova's nose onto Valentina Kerman's face. It helps with the immersion in Real Solar System. - - - Updated - - - Or Mr. Armstrong. Well, his nose anyway.
  16. Shaw, can you create an option to disable reflections in the VAB to fix the part placement bug that many people have found with reflective parts?
  17. Plates are wings. It's just that the wings have a neutral Angle of Attack relative to the fuselage. You point it slightly up from prograde and hey presto! Plate becomes a wing. The same thing happens with structural plates in KSP, which can be used as wings.
  18. I don't see this as an exploit. It's just not being a space program. It's just a manufacturing facility. A company gives you the cheap and useless ore for free, and then using your technology to refine it at KSC, you get the liquid fuel to either give back to the other people or to use for your own.
  19. I laughed my rear end off when I heard the Star Trek alien transporter sound.
  20. I just want to mention that a mod like this would be completely against the spirit of the Kerbal Space Program. Where's your Moar Boostahs! mentality? Anyway it should be simple enough. Just take a stock RCS port, change the thrust, and the resource that is uses from Monoprop to electric-charge. If you wanted to keep an inkling of realism you could also have it use a bit of Xenon Gas and be an Ion RCS.
  21. I just read the whole thing. Good read, laughed a few times.
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