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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. B9 has one. Idk how it works, though.
  2. WIP backround, 2 sizes. 1st is the smallest. I tried to follow the art style of pixely.
  3. Oh my god. A Delorean in KSP? *Faints*
  4. The ET looks great Helldriver! I can't wait for what the boosters would look like
  5. Honestly I love the current ones- they are exelent baselines, then you just have your owns.
  6. I have done percison landings many times. Now, for landing on atmospheric bodies... that I still can't figure out.
  7. Um, guys, this is about the Kerbin Mini shuttle not about the space shuttle... just saying.
  8. I remember this. My friend always told me to get it as safe as possible, and I did. Sadly some rockets still malfunctioned... while I was testing EVA in space, Soviet was landing on the Mun. Anyway this new one looks good.
  9. I've always seen it happen if I don't put enough clamps on a heavy ship.
  10. I have a clock right below my monitor, and Alt+tab is really quick and non-crashy for me, so for me it's useless, but for other people it sounds good.
  11. My god, what a necro... I remember this thread *tears of joy* Also, Ouion that seemed like a needless thing, a LOLtroll message with a photo.
  12. I don't know why, but when I see that road I think of Rigs Of Rods.
  13. For some reason, using 0.21.1, using the latest version, Alt+H doesn't bring it up. Perhaps the ship is too laggy? Idk. I used the previous version with the F11 key, and it worked. But not the alt+H.
  14. @TCVM, you ninja, lol. Also, he dosen't need source code because it's part of the kerbtown mod.
  15. Same. Also, this sounds like a really good idea, good job! Because I'm nice, I've made an Imgur album of the pictures for you.
  16. Hold a signup for me, will ya? I have to go to bed, but this sounds interesting...
  17. I think she was just causing a lot of... trouble. Not to mention the fact that the thread seemed to swerve off-topic VERY quickly.
  18. I don't know what that is, so mythbusters don't like it
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