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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. So ya know, The dang DEMV is hard to get to duna. After 4 Failed attempts, I finally got it! (weird spacejunk by it is skycrane part) On the launchpad: View of stage 2 Main enjector engine: .craft: [ATTACH]34541[/ATTACH] Stage description: First stage: Break through atmosphere Second stage: Get close to orbital velocity Third stage: Orbital insertion and Injection burn Fourth stage: Orbital manuvering Fifth stage: Skycrane, and to do a little bit of orbital manovering. NOTES: It does NOT have enough fuel to get into orbit. It relys on aerobraking. A PE of about 6-10 KM should do fine. Use the aerospikes to decelerate, so that you are going slow enough for the parachutes to FULLY deploy. They will not have enough drag by themselves, so they would rip off at 500m. This craft relys on precison. It doesent have mutch margin for error, and the first times i did it I ran out of fuel. However, when I did a more precise burn, right when i was supposed to, I still had half fuel on the skycrane, and the nuclear engine. Therefor, there is margin for error, but be careful. I wish you good luck! (will soon be realsing a better version that can reach JOOL)
  2. Ya know, I dont use MJ anymore. And ya know, I was just about to give it up, and let mechjeb do it, and land/fly my DEMV, BUT I DID IT WITHOUT MJ!
  3. I think its in the spacecraft exchange. I saw it too.
  4. Having $10000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dollars getting a better comptuter live a good life.
  5. One month annerversary! It looks good, and you should have some comments by now
  6. Roger that! Good luck! Also, No parachutes, it MUST be a powered landing
  7. Indeed. However, crashes are only caused by mods that were designed wrong/ for orbiter 2006.
  8. So, a day ago, I started a thread for my preview of the Orbiter 2010 LP. No, its not out yet wait a bit longer. However, I have made a movie that should keep you entertained. It will come in a moment Hello, you may have remembered me from Vehicle simulator. Now im proud to present: ORBITER 2010! A very smooth, realistic, sorta-maybe-not-ksp-like game. NOTICE: The mixed music is entirely my fault. I promise it wont happen next episode. However, mostly the main music is all you can hear
  9. Its a mod. http://orbithangar.com/advsearch.php?text=videnie&search=everything&category=0&subcat=0&OrbVer=default There ya go
  10. Whoah, YAHOO! A person who likes my videos Also, its free too!
  11. I was actually thinking of the rescue team accedently going 270 insted of 90 and arriving at moho!
  12. I dont really "Approve" Of using those engines, byut heck, you had fun, and you just wanted to rove, so good job
  13. Btw, Idk why the thumbnail for it is all wacky in colour.
  14. Yeah, I was usually the bomb too, usually doing things perfectly. THEN new planets came out, and a new challenge that i could not cope with...
  15. This has been moved to the main thread: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/23339-Main-Orbiter-2010-Thread
  16. Also, WOW. this game has really come a long way!
  17. Whoah! This looks awsome! Ill test if u like!
  18. I do know that. I was just desprate to do SOMTHING other than leave it in orbit.
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