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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. WOW. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! That was the best story ever! And its a true story! Now do it with Zo2 XD
  2. :Cheers: Welcome mate! It works fine, aside from kerbals being gone. Tardis is quite epic, and that sound that you put, (screaching of breaks lol) is a nice touch.
  3. For some reason, the parachute from ur pack wont deploy on duna. :C Y? Worked on kerbin.
  4. I would! If only alot of mod parts didnt crash my game...
  5. Well, Lemme see... Cart: Yes it can land on mun on its own i put 4 thrusters and 4 tanks and a parachute on top. rover+capsul landed safeley (0.15) rocket: Cart ------------(--=STAGE) Fuel tank 909 engine -------------- tricopular 3 fuel tanks under it (aka 9 in total) 3 thrust gimballing engines =-=-=-=-=- (-= = radial stage) 3 big fuel tanks 3 big engines -------------------------------- that should work.
  6. Welcome Aboard! *BOOM* -The destroyer Happy helper.
  7. YES! TRANSFORMERS MUSIC! Nice Also, looks amazing.
  8. I'm still unsure what this does, could you explain it a bit? maybe a vid without a vid cam from screen?
  9. Try parachutes. they work wonders. also, did you deploy your gear? on kerbin i had to abort a rover and it came down to the ground at 42 m/s (gear down) and survived.
  10. Here is a rocket that is duna capable, fully stock, and can do a flyby of jool. [ATTACH=CONFIG]33745[/ATTACH][ATTACH]33746[/ATTACH] Flying instructions: Use the first stage to get to about 10-30 km. Second stage is generally for circularizing, and start of interplanetary burn Third stage Is the nerva, with 4 drop pods. Fourth stage is the lander, capable of landing on mostly any planet. WARNING: This does not make it back! This is for colonization! EDIT: This here is a similar craft, but not the same.(mechjeb on it, unlike this one wich is stock) (click for bigger) [ATTACH=CONFIG]33747[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]33748[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]33749[/ATTACH] Also attached: Other pics of it.
  11. Probably. Remember that changing the pitch (Dammned robotics) DRAMATICALLY changes your center of gravity. try using the new Center of thrust and Center of gravity indicators. try to make them match, and and a ton of rcs, so that when you move, you will keep on course.
  12. Lemme see... 0.17 RELEASED ME: YESYEYSYESESE *downloads 4 hrs after release* Straps together NERVA and launch vehicle ALMOST makes it to duna. I NEVER do any testing, I only do testing on like, EXPI, to simulate stuff In other words, I dont test, THATS NOT KERBAL! I just strap together some boosters and hope it flys!
  13. I agree with tim. also, for worst game... Bus Driving simulator .
  15. www.ksp.olex.com OR http://www.kerbal.net/mod.php?id=36 there ya go! (just make some mid course corrections along the way) Also, Carefull on moho. engines overheat QUIKCLY.
  16. Negative on boats, cant get them right. Heck, I can hardly get anything right.
  17. Go to settings config, And change the line CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT to 5 or 10 or 20 (depending how many times u want, generally 5 is good)
  18. BOOM! Happy launching! -The Destroyer Your friendly neighborhood friend (PM me if u need help)
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