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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Also, with new planets, make sure to get to them! use www.ksp.olex.biz for a great guide! Good luck!
  2. Okay, even removing the mechjeb module (ar202 case), it still does what i said.when i click on the toggle caclulations, the toggle calculations line goes to where the yellow text is, and i cant click on it and.. wow, this is about as useful as a bowl full of mice. (no offence)
  3. Im afraid this is horrendosly buggy. (is that a word?) first of all, when i hit show calculations, it doesent come up, but it looks like the menu is above it insted of bellow, therefor going off the screen. 2: when i hit f2 then f2 again, mechjeb was gone! it was there, but i couldnt see it! same with esc menu! at first i thought it was because of ISA mapsat, but nope.
  4. However, since you cant see any kerbals in the tardis, i have posted a fix: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6hixz8jbj181gb5/part.cfg?m I see no harm in posting this, as i am symply fixing a little bug in it, and i dont know how to contact the author. However, if the author would like to have it removed, I will do so. Also, i did say "this is not my mod" in the OP, stating that this was not my work.
  5. 11/07? also, thanks! im planning on using the tiberdyne shuttle booster system to make a Koeing 747 to carry the space shuttle!
  6. I dont use ISA mapsat myself, but im considering it. Also, I have no idea. all i know, is to use normal(+) and antinormal(-) while in orbit to change inclination.
  7. For some reason, after 0.17, and finding ksp.olex.com, and the chtlulu bug with mechjeb transfer autopilot, i find that i dont use mechjeb anymore. i almost consider it cheating now. I dunno, maybe I just wanna fly manual nao? what about you? since 0.17, have you continued to use mechjeb? i do use it, sometimes, mostly for planes, rly laggy rockets, and probes.
  8. Whoah, ive managed ike flyby, duna, jool flyby and jool orbit, eve, eve crashing, minimus, and mun. www.ksp.olex.com is how i got to other planets, as for minimus, well, its easy....
  9. Yeah, but i didnt upload it anyway. i only posted a vid. for DW fans
  10. @walia6 Try practicing flying rockets more before going for the big guns @OP WOW. Thats one BIG rocket! Why does everyone make big rockets? its no need![ATTACH]33414[/ATTACH] that rocket can make it to any of the planets except jool (but not back) and its 4x smaller! Why such the bigness?
  11. Oh right, i didnt mean for it to get back.... i see what you mean now. try ORDA or erkles docking mod. they work fine.
  12. Hi there, this is not my mod, i symply am showing you it. here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUheJGbUAYY (a vid)
  13. [ATTACH]33411[/ATTACH]Honestly, you dont need that big of a rocket. ive included my IRS wich is only 1 man, however its a demonstration of how you dont need that much parts. tip: Boosters are good because they are light but give good thrust, and you always want a powerfull first stage, as once youve cleared the atmosphere, it accelerates much faster.
  14. Yes! ive been wanting this! now no more checking at www.ksp.olex.com! WOW, THANKS!
  15. Okay, I'd like to go to.... DUNA! lol. thats the most popular one nao. heres my proof![ATTACH=CONFIG]33408[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]33409[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]33410[/ATTACH] Ill be adding the cart mod (assuming you can still do that, right?) Also, in the pics are also minimus and eve
  16. Hmm... I could do that. however, i have been making stuff for 0.17.
  17. Im afraid not. As I said, i get 2 FPS even when looking at sky. id get 0.25 fps on kerbin. so, it would lag like heck during recording.
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