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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Yeah, it dosent lower. its already lowered Just one question (or two): 1: When will this be good for 0.17? I saw a pic of the "bugged out" rover. 2: Why did you wait untill you touched down to seperate the skycrane? Everyone knows that the skycrane seperates just before touchdown (just as i do)
  2. I generally hit , , , , insted of click it. that= fix.
  3. Thanks for being such a good memeber. awsome avatar too. just a quick question: How did KurtJmac get his kerbals to wear glasses? like yours.

  4. Hmmm... must be due to lack of EVA capability. Tho, you can see more with the pictures of the kerbals gone!
  5. Heres what i do: Before MAJOR moment, i hit f5. if i fail horibally, i press and hold f9. not vice versa.
  6. Well, the reason it does that, is because its facing upwards, so put it on your upper stage insted of bottem. HOWEVER: Use the QEASD keys to rotate it upsidown so that it fires away!
  7. Woo! This is awsome! now i can have 1 billion mods but only use 5 of them! THANK YOU!
  8. Also, http://www.kerbal.net/mod.php?id=36 That there, Is amazing. it tells you the current angle of all the planets, and what angle you need so that you can burn, and what ejection angle ur at. gl!
  9. The Reason this is happening, this is the Chtlulu bug. when it comes out of warp too fast, it destroys your ship. so, this can happen with stock too. to prevent this, dont click, use the , and . keys.
  10. The ENTIRE advantage, is that it has 800 ISP in vaccum. that means it only consumes 1.5L/second, making it VERY effectiant. Its meant for Interplanetary travel, It may be slow, but its MUTCH more effeciant.
  11. What program did you use to make it into a gif?
  12. If I get this correctly, It takes your mods, and deletes the ones you arent using, but when you want to use them it bring them back?
  13. Lemme see.... 1: Get better computer (with the best specs in the world) 2: Do everything I can think of 3: ?????????????????? 4: Build my own rocket to orbit. 5: Alot of stuff.
  14. I do agree, it is a big long, but its cool. Also, what video are you talking about./intro.
  15. I bet i used symitry on the darn thing! Ill re-install it too, just to be safe.
  16. Holy crap! thats COOL! Who cares about duna or any of dat! this is better!
  17. Um, After deleting some mods and install CORE and EXPI interplanetary probes, a few things happened: 1: there was during loading a small grey rectangle on the center of the screen. after loading, it became the protractor 2: I could not move it 3: I could not minimize it. What happened? Did i delete somthing i wasent supposed to?
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  19. Follow Sal_Vager advice on the patched conics, and use this: www.ksp.olex.biz EDIT: this works too http://www.kerbal.net/mod.php?id=36
  20. Thats like asking how to deploy chutes on kerbin.... Its the same. Only with different atmospheres, they open at different heights. mun and minimus you cant, because there is no atmosphere
  21. Hi there, I'd like a supercontiental Space carrier. Details: Using Tiberdynes shuttle booster system, make a shuttle and attach it to a 747 (make it look as real as possible) and, make it have a top speed of 500 m/s. I tried this myself, but it just flipped when i pulled up.
  22. Aha! btw, in quick reply, hit go advanced, select attachments, go to ksp folder>saves>(ursavenamehere)>SPH>select .craft file.
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