I'm not much of a computer knower, but this rig I have, prebuilt, is pretty decent for 500 bucks. http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229285
Typing: this is a forum game for ksp, eyes closed: this is a forum game for kerbal space program. What. I DID IT PERFECTLY! KSP with nose, eyes open: ik4rtgwicswrmnp-0oytraqk What the bloody hell.
Back in ye old 0.13 days I thought if I pointed at mun I would go there. No manvuer nodes/SOI Warnings back then, so I timewarped for awhile and got there! And then missed it.
Exelent! Now if only there were "specific experiments". For instance, water, as an "upgraded" version of the tempature gauge. That would make sense to have less value to transmit.