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Everything posted by Greenfire32

  1. All I'm going to say is that Interstellar (ending included) didn't pull me out of the "realism" like Gravity's Clooney-death-scene did. I liked both. I thought both were pretty well grounded in reality. But I liked interstellar more. And that's ALL I'm going to say on the subject.
  2. Honestly? I don't really care about Gas giants. I mean...you can't land on them and satellites are useless currently so...
  3. I gave up math shortly around the "never going to use it" period of my life. Guess what? I still don't use it. Therefore, all math is wrong. XD /micdrop
  4. 5/10 I, personally don't see you around too much but your sig sticks out when I do see you.
  5. My name has always been green....
  6. I'd do what Red Iron Crown said and disable the engine gimbal. If you still need more control authority, you could add tiny RCS thrusters to compensate for the loss of the gimbal.
  7. I haven't ever done a "no reloads" save yet so...100% success rate
  8. I'd say I do about a 70% functionality & 30% aesthetics split. First and foremost, it's gotta work. Then it's gotta look good after the fact.
  9. In reality, 100% of all grown food is the result of genetic modifying either on the field or in the lab. We've changed how resilient certain crops are by selectively "breeding" certain strains of them in the field. That's a GMO. The negative connotation of GMO's come from a similar vain as the Anti-Vaccers. Untested and unproven bits of psuedo science found their way into the mainstream and people who were either uneducated in the subject or unwilling to educate themselves clung to the idea that anything discovered inside a lab (read: controlled environment) is inherently bad, because that's the tone that their "information" source took. There is no substantial evidence that GMO are harmful in any way. And believe me, the people who do the actual research in this subject are looking for that evidence. It just isn't there.
  10. I think the universe is finite to us in the same way the Earth is finite to ants. Technically, yes. But for all intents and purposes...it's infinite.
  11. Most (read: damn near all) people incorrectly assume that my screen name comes from marijuana–related affairs. But it's actually from watching copper burn in my high school freshman science class. No seriously: The 32 is just a random number. No significance there. I've never touched drugs in my life. Stay cool kids.
  12. This is miles higher than what I can understand. And I haven't been in school for like 6 years now...
  13. If we could find a way to make supersonic flight either as expensive as "conventional" flight or cheaper, it would -ahem- be cleared for take off. I kill me. Seriously though, one of three things must happen for an airplane to reach those speeds. It either needs to be small enough that that power requirements aren't stupid, it needs to meet stupid power requirements, or it needs a stupid high-power output engine. Just imagine a 747 with like 30 jet engines. Stupid? Oh my god yes. Now imagine stuffing 300 people into a 10-passenger private jet. Stupid? Ya dang betcha! But if we discovered a more efficient way to fly, be it through better fuels or engines or magic dust, a 747 with four "super jets" that costs just as much as a regular 747 would make the regular one obsolete and therefore worth doing. I used a 747 as an arbitrary example plane.
  14. A) A ton of people DID read the whole thing. That's how this all started in the first place. There wasn't a "disclaimer" in ultra tiny and just-barely-not-white font at the bottom originally. That was added AFTER the original backlash and only AFTER Kasper was bombarded with PM's. C) I don't care how "obviously a joke" it was. It wasn't posted anywhere NEAR April 1st, it was posted with a 100% serious tone and this forum (and Squad in general) do not share the same reputation as that of, say, The Onion. There was no reason to NOT trust their words as they've been very, very good to their fanbase. But, oh enlightened ones, tell me again how 20/20 your hindsight is. When this thread was made, the original post by Kasper WERE THE FACTS. There was nothing else to "get." Squad said "here's the changes" and we said "hell no!" Now that the cat is "out of the bag," it's easy for people who either missed the whole thing or didn't rightly care anyway to say that those of us who voiced our opinions on the matter are "gullible." To that I say bugger off. You don't get to sit on the sidelines and call everyone stupid for believing a post that would not be revealed as a poorly timed and in bad taste joke until after the fact. /rant
  15. I'll agree with this, but I'll also say that those who don't make an honest effort to learn, never will. So I point. And I laugh. And they laugh too. Everyone laughs. I'm terrible at parties.
  16. What? This is probably the most tame thread I've ever seen on here. Everyone's handled the topic (which I'll admit is sort of "walking the line") in a fairly mature way. Now that I think about it, I think I was taught the same thing. There were a lot of things "taught" to me in grade school that were later "corrected" in high school. It was usually something along the lines of, "You probably learned X in the second grade, but it's actually Y."
  17. If it were me, I'd wait for 1.0 as the stock aerodynamics is updating.
  18. While I think this should be fixed before 1.0 hits us, I'd rather Squad fix other more intrusive bugs first.
  19. I don't mean to derail the thread, but this has to be posted now:
  20. My play style hasn't really changed all that much since the beginning. I still haven't ever lost a Kerbal and I still clean up my space trash.
  21. Someone once told me: "We don't need to go to space because God loves us. When we've used up the Earth, he'll fix Mars and He'll choose two of his children to start anew. It's already happened before with Adam and Eve. Haven't you ever read the Bible?" Serious.
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