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Everything posted by Greenfire32

  1. I support this, but I'll carefully point out that this leads to having fuel-to-oxidizer rate problems. If you make the player fill their own tanks, they'll have to also fill it with the right amount of oxidizer and.... ...I personally don't want to figure out what those amounts should be on a per-craft basis. Just saying.
  2. Incorrect. It's an official contest for the community. Not "just for twitter users." They're alienating huge parts of their fanbase by saying "look at this awesome thing you'll all like!" and then only telling one arm of said fanbase. I need to step away from this topic now, as I'm beginning to get quite angry. So I'll leave it with this: If I've been locked in a room with ten people for weeks and I discover the door isn't actually locked, do I tell 3 people, leave with them and let the others figure it out, or do I tell everyone and we all leave at once? (ignore the stupidity of not knowing a locked door is unlocked for weeks)
  3. The easy solution to this is to have a "Recent Off-site News" section right about the "Currently Streaming" tab on the forums page. There wouldn't need to be a double post on the tweeter's end as it would show up here automatically (and I've seen other sites do this, so I know it's within the realm of possibility) and honestly, since it would be right there on the right side of the page before you even enter a thread, everyone would see it. Not just the twitter users. I just made another post about this in another thread like 5 seconds ago, so I'm just going to quote myself:
  4. While this is true, don't you think it would benefit Squad to use their own official forums to make official announcements about their official game? I mean, sure, make a post on reddit, twitter, facebook, whatever, BUT make the official post here first! If www.kerbalspaceprogram.com is not the place to get info on all things Kerbal Space Program, then they are suffering a severe identity crisis and need to get that sorted fast. This is no different from school-yard squabble. "I'll tell my friends to tell your friends to tell you that I hate you, and I'll await your response from you to your friends to my friends to me."
  5. Nope. Gilly is treated as one of the "on rails" bodies like the rest of the planets. No amount of thrust is going to move it. ----EDIT---- However, if the planets weren't locked in their orbits, then yeah. I don't see any reason why you couldn't change Gilly's orbit if given enough thrust.
  6. I think it's something like that facadebook or something? Normally, I'm in full support of the "it's their game, they can do what they want" argument, but this is like...the overwhelming majority of the fanbase saying "woah there! cool your jets bro!" and I feel like Squad would benefit more with a compromise.
  7. ....wut? I'm thinking so, lol On topic: I, too, find that career mode fails to capture my interest and often revert back to sandbox after like an hour or so.
  8. plantimals eh? As long as they talk faster than TreeBeard did, I guess I'm ok with it.
  9. I made this just for you. It's only a little creepy!
  10. *braces self* I never ever ever use/hate the Round 8 fuel tank. *runs away*
  11. Considering there wouldn't have been a game without it, I think I'll do just that. Like the Mk1 Command Pod and the Round8 Toroidal Fuel Tank, I think it's important to know what once was and no longer is, instead of just leaving it to the wind.
  12. I just want EVE incorporated into stock
  13. I don't think that KSP is, at its core, "broken," but rather just "not what it could be." As an experience, it's very fulfilling and fun to play. However, there are a lot of things that it should be doing now, could be doing in the future, and should have been doing a long time ago. So in my mind it isn't "broken," but rather just a "work in progress."
  14. The silver lining here is that most people generally don't want to die. If you have the power to end everyone else at once, and everyone else has the power to end you all at once, then the likelihood of actual nuclear war that ends everybody everywhere start to fall. It's really only when a few possess the power that said power gets abused. /opinionz
  15. I personally couldn't care less. I was never able to get the stupid tank to work anyway (fuel never drained from it) so the whole thing is pretty "meh" in my opinion.
  16. I'm thinking it'll be exactly like all the other releases. We'll know the date when it becomes available for download.
  17. A good way to keep lag down is by keeping part count down, and there's actually a really easy way to do that. How expensive is your craft? Do you really need 4 gigantor solar panels, or will 1 suffice? Cut costs, cut parts, cut lag.
  18. Now we just need to keep heading in that direction...
  19. In all honesty, this would be an exception that I'd make regarding cheats. Just by looking at the picture, I can see that the Kerbal should be able to stand on the highest rung of the ladder, reeeeeaaaach and just barely be able to grab the next ladder. To simulate this, hack the gravity and get him on the ladder. Then unhack the gravity and just say he reached real hard for that ladder. Now if there weren't any ladders at all, then I'd say you dun goofed and need to send a rescue mission. But as it stands, it's riiiight there. -----EDIT----- Alternatively, you might be able to jump onto those lights depending on how much gravity there is (never been to Tylo). You could maybe jump onto the light and then from there try to jump onto the uppermost ladder.
  20. While this is mostly true, by the time most players hit the water, they're going slow enough where this no longer applies. Especially if chutes are deployed.
  21. Wow....more things I didn't think of. And as someone who has DSPD (Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder) I know all about circadian rhythms not being wired correctly XD That's no moon
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