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Everything posted by Promii

  1. Episode 19 - The Münar Trifecta lifts off into space and heads for the Mün loaded with experiments and mapping equipment. Craft used in this episode:
  2. Episode 18 - We finish off our field research contracts and glean the remaining science from around KSC to unlock some new technologies. Then we begin constructing our new Mün probe. Craft used in this episode:
  3. Episode 17 - SPOILER ALERT: This episode contains KSP easter egg spoilers. While investigation of the mysterious monoliths continue, Bob heads out in our new research boat to gather data from Kerbin's oceans. Craft used in this episode:
  4. Episode 16 - SPOILER ALERT: This episode contains KSP easter egg spoilers. The improved Albatross takes flight to finish our Arctic research expedition. While exploring the frozen North, our crew makes an unexpected discovery. Craft used in this episode: Unexpected discovery:
  5. Episode 15 - The official Kerbal Space Tourism Agency kicks off with the flight of Tito Kerman. This provides an opportunity to test our space agency's experimental 3 kerbal command pod. Craft used in this episode:
  6. Episode 14 - We continue our mission for the previous episode but have it cut short by treacherous terrain. Still, the crew manages to get some stunning nighttime views of the northern skies. Craft used in this episode:
  7. Episode 13 - In this episode, we construct a survey plane with room for 4 crew and begin a long distance mission to perform experiments in Kerbin's northern regions. Craft used in this episode:
  8. Episode 12 - Valentina rides our new lifter into a polar orbit to perform multi-spectral analyses of all of Kerbin's biomes. Craft used in this episode:
  9. I think it was probably for one of the flags I posted in either the show your flag or request a flag thread shortly after flag planting was introduced.
  10. I suppose he does a bit. Completely unintentional though. Same clothes as in-game and the hairstyle is a stylized version of a young Wernher von Braun's hair.
  11. Episode 11 - Bob, Jeb and Halnie perform laser ablation imaging test around KSC while also taking surface samples. Afterwards, Jeb tests an experimental jet-powered aircraft. Craft used in this episode:
  12. Episode 10 - Moonbat Automaton collects data on a round-trip to the Mün. The data collected enables us to research new sensor technologies. Craft used in this episode:
  13. Episode 9 - The agency launches its first probe destined for another world. Craft used in this episode: Additionally, we visit the managers in the admin building for the first time:
  14. Episode 8 - Jeb takes our tourists on a second flight and reaches high orbit, where they get to see orbital science in action. Craft used in this episode:
  15. Episode 7 - Bob and Valentina return from the desert and Bill conducts tests on experimental equipment. Apologies for the few seconds of black in the middle of the video. The footage there didn't render for some reason and I didn't catch it before uploading. Craft used in this episode:
  16. Episode 6 - SPOILER ALERT: This episode contains major easter egg spoilers. Bob and Valentina take the newly redesigned SA-2A Kestrel to Kerbin's desert to perform experiments and end up discovering something unexpected. Craft used in this episode: Ancient painting discovered by Bob at the archaeological site:
  17. I normally crash every few scene changes due to out of memory errors and I've come to accept this as a consequence of playing with a number of hefty mods, but I've come across a new issue that seems to persist even when I remove most of my mods. I visited the easter egg in the desert and while the flight there was uneventful, once I got close I started crashing 10-20 seconds after loading my quicksave. I eventually gave up and used Hyperedit to put the craft landed in the right place. Everything was fine while I was there, but trying to take off to leave caused repeated crashing again. I again edited the craft to a patch of desert some ways away to see if that would help, but it still kept crashing shortly after takeoff. I stripped down my mods to just that which was necessary for the craft to work and GCMonitor to check my mem usage: AdjustableLandingGear BDAnimationModules DangIt FerramAerospaceResearch Firespitter (plugin only) GCMonitor ImprovedChaseCamera KAX (radial prop only) ModularFlightIntegrator TAC Life Support (none of the included parts) Memory usage eventually gets up past 3.5GB and crashes. My error log seems to have a lot of "d3d: VB or IB is null" spam, but I don't have much of the knowledge necessary to read these things. Could anyone give me a hand? error.log and output_log.txt can be had here.
  18. I had a similar problem with my kerbal Halnie from my old 0.90 save that was always meant to be female, but kept changing back to male every time I edited the save file. The problem ended up being TextureReplacer, because it overrides the gender set in the roster section of the save file. You want to find the section in the save file that looks like this: SCENARIO { name = TRScenario scene = 5 reflectionType = REAL isHelmetRemovalEnabled = True isAtmSuitEnabled = True Kerbals { Jebediah Kerman = M Jeb GENERIC Bill Kerman = M Bill GENERIC Bob Kerman = M Bob GENERIC Valentina Kerman = F Valentina GENERIC Halnie Kerman = F Halnie2 HalnieOrange Silyn Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Milbald Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Stala Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Melxie Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Gregdun Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Elilyn Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Laya Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Moca Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Kevin Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Asbel Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Listhy Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Doodpont Kerman = M GENERIC GENERIC Elicine Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC Jesma Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC } ClassSuits { } } And change the kerbals you want female to 'F'. I think you can do this from within the in-game TextureReplacer menu as well.
  19. Episode 5 - In the first episode post-1.0, the administrator lays out a set of near-term goals and we embark on a series of missions to test parts and ferry tourists in order to fund badly needed facility upgrades. Crafts used in this episode:
  20. Same issue for me. Win 8.1 64-bit. Non-steam 32-bit KSP install.
  21. Looks like the UVs for the female kerbal teeth are overlapping the UVs for the base of the ponytail. They don't have no teeth, they just have brown teeth that blend into the rest of the mouth. I put a little color grid over part of the pony tail and got this:
  22. While I get my save file and mods sorted out for updating the Commonwealth Space Agency series to KSP 1.0, here's an overview and demonstration of the new features in the stock game.
  23. Her appearance is partially inspired by the TF2 administrator, yes. Her name was originally going to be Valentina before the official Valentina was revealed, so her name is instead a tribute to Henrietta Swan Leavitt
  24. Episode 4 - In which Halnie manages to complete the parachute test from the previous episode and goes on to become the first Kerbal to reach space and orbit the planet Kerbin. Crafts used in this episode:
  25. The F-key will switch between global and local translation, which is what I think you are referring to.
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