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Everything posted by TheDarkStar

  1. There are 5 of those on Kerbin, 3 on the Mun, and 1 on Minmus according to Nova, so there are 9 monoliths.
  2. We need an atmospheric engine that needs a lot of air (enough that it has trouble at Kerbin's surface) but is very strong to get a return stage off Eve (landing is done by parachute) with an ion engine for space.
  3. Not yet. One more solid planet and 3 more gas giants are planned (similar to our own solar system layout) for a later update (maybe 0.18 or 0.19). However, there will be several moons this update. The gas giant will have 4, Eve will have 1, and the Mars-like planet will have one almost as large as itself.
  4. I am most exited for Eve and the gas giants. Eve will be fun to land on and explore, and the gas giant will be the first one we have. It will also have lots of moons to explore. Quoted that for my signiture.
  5. I also sometimes make ships just to see how fast I can hit a Kerbal into Kerbin.
  6. Use the clamp parts and raise it really high.
  7. I sometimes strand Kerbals, so I send a rescue mission. However, I never remember to EVA someone at the start, and so I get to a high orbit, lower periapsis into the ground, and EVA one. Kind of defeats the purpose, though.
  8. He said that there would be at least one secret per planet, too, although I can't remember the place.
  9. I've thought of this too. It could be really annoying when you have to switch between 5 planets, 10 moons, and possibly Kerbol to get back to your ship.
  10. IF you want to know that orbital period, it's T = 2pi sqrt(a^3/u) a is the semimajor axis in meters, and u is the standard gravitational constant.
  11. I never use MechJeb anymore. I used it for a short time, but I found it more fun to manually launch rockets. My best-preforming rocket explodes easily if launched the way MechJeb does it, and the same probably happens to others.
  12. If you don't know what the parts do, read about them on their forum post. To get asymmetrical stations to orbit, balance the weight as best as possible.
  13. Here's a floating laser platform (uses the laser part/plugin and the antigravity part/plugin) Notice the pilot Still out of range... No wonder the life expectancy of pilots is less than a week! And Jeb just smiles.
  14. It will probably cause a massive overheat of anything that touches (or maybe goes near) the lava.
  15. If you still have RCS/thrusters, you can get a stable orbit, then get another rescue craft nearby, or do a powered landing. If you are near Minmus still, send him back and get another rescue ship. If you can't do any of these things, good luck. Edit: Sacrifice another Kerbal for Jeb. Let the extra one hit Kerbin.
  16. Unfortunately, all moons, planets, and asteroids will be in fixed orbits, so this won't be possible.
  17. You use [spoiler"=nameofspoiler] contentofspoiler [/"spoiler] without the ". I'll get my entry up in a minute so that this isn't completely off topic.
  18. It's not actually all that hard, unless you didn't bring enough fuel. You get your orbit over the target, then slow before you pass it. If you need to change inclinations, it might help to raise your orbit first, since that can be more fuel efficient. Accurate landings might involve taking off after the first landing if you aren't close enough.
  19. I found it from a Minecraft forum post. I was hooked after seeing the video he posted.
  20. It's the infinite glide bug. It's been around for a few versions.
  21. Neither point should be an issue. 1. Although he used 9 tanks + 2x1/2, the challenge creator said it was allowed, and it actually adds to drag. 2. He used the aerospike, which has constant fuel usage, and two gimballing engines, whose specific impulse changes as you get higher in the atmosphere (they need less fuel the less air there is).
  22. My current ones are boring. Lander, Lander 2, One-Way Trip, Flying Laser Platform (really), etc. They basically tell what they are. It's nice if you don't want to confuse which ship is which when you save a lot of them.
  23. His is not 11 tanks. The two from the first stage are both half tanks.
  24. Oops, forgot to do that. I'll try to get a pic up.
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