Nice collection. I like it. KSP realy deserved parts like these. I suggest, that you should cut all of them into smaller pieces like this for example: This way people could get a greater design freedom. Edit: Solar collectors/radiators should be separate parts as well.
They look fantastic! Cutting them into pieces would be very good. That\'d give a lot of design freedom, not just to stations, but to spaceships as well.
It works very well in the atmosphere, I figured, that it was your primary objective. I hope you will manage to find the right balance. The other jetpacks looks great as well.
Okay, I\'ve made some test flights on Kerbin, in orbit and on the Mun. The idea is cool, as well the design. The only thing that bothers me that it\'s quite difficult to control (using keyboard). It turns a bit too fast. Except for this, it\'s great. Edit: I forgot to mention, that the difficult to control is only stand for orbital and Munar flights.
Preordered the game a few minutes ago. I usualy don\'t preorder games, especially in alpha state, but I think you guys deserve it. KSP is a great game, and has so much potential. I hope that you\'ll be able to finish the game, and it\'ll be both a financial and a critical succes.
It\'s sad that you can\'t finish the shuttle yet because programming issues. But I\'m glad that you didn\'t gave up the project. Let\'s hope that the game\'ll able to handle your craft soon.
Well, it\'s interesting. The shape is noticebly smoother. The textures are very nice and detailed. I have only two problems: - The orange heatshields: Black would be way better. - The engine: It\'s quite strange and big. But if the stock liquid engine, or any other can be used for the shuttle, I have no objections. Otherwise it\'s really neat.