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Rocket Surgeon

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Everything posted by Rocket Surgeon

  1. So without being stupid about my rocket and using only SIDR parts..
  2. So, in my ignorance I have to ask for instructions on how to use those multi-panel shrouds. What part do they connect to and how to I have to put it all together?
  3. Re: 1.09 Wow. You and Novo are really battling to be the forum's favourite modder. This looks so amazing. I appreciate how you seem to be making parts that work somewhat with each others' packs.
  4. Oh, so I did the right thing by not caving and getting Galactic Adventures in a hope (much like you) of injecting something further back into the game? Spore became 'The Sims in Space.' Probably the most succinct way to describe what it's like to someone.
  5. For $5 sure. I foolishly bought it on release. Glad I didn't get the Galactic Edition. Very disappointing. Still, it's worth $5.
  6. I think the GG is another way overpowered engine and I support your decision to nerf it. :thumbup:
  7. Downloading this. Will post feedback. Edit: I think 10 or 12 works better as the ejection force, too. Awesome part! Please improve it if you think it can be!
  8. So, hang on. What's the challenge? Make a rocket using only SRB's and post a goofy video on YT? Huh?
  9. Yeah I had some parts flipping 90 degrees once, too. I think it's a bug triggered by a certain order of placement/removal of parts or something???
  10. After launching from the.. launcher.. I get the title screen/menu up in 1-3 minutes. (Looking at the first loading screen with the awesome artwork) A bit long, but not too unreasonable considering I just make minimum specs to run. Clicking 'Start Game' gives me another wait of between 1-3 minutes, then clicking the V.A.B. gives me another short wait. Loading the launchpad gives the longest wait of nearly 10 minutes in most cases. To clarify: 'The first time' means the fist time I navigate to those sections of the game after starting the game. If I quit the game and relaunch immediately without doing anything else on my computer, load times are substantially reduced (assets still in memory?) After visiting each section (V.A.B./Launchpad) once, they load with not unreasonable times of about 10 seconds thereafter until I quit the game. The game window appears to hang while it does it's thing, not graphicaly updating (holding ghost images of windows that were above it) and if it's in fullscreen mode at this time, I can't alt+enter or otherwise interact with my computer. It definitely did load faster with only the default parts, but it was the same behaviour.
  11. Yeah I like the tanks. I think the change was subtle and it still feels good. We need a straight 2m decoupler shroud, though!
  12. It is a bit silly. Mine takes nearly 10 minutes to load the launchpad the first time. What's it doing in all that time?! Having a coffee?! :probe:
  13. SSH Series Model 221 Solid Booster and the GG-M4 are WAY, WAY overpowered IMO. The Model 221 especially. Also, it looks like an extra-marital device. I'm just checking out the latest version now. Hoping that satellite is as groovy as it looks (It looks a bit like an Iridium :w00t:) and that the 2m tanks don't feel over-full now.
  14. Yeah ask away, but, OP, you might learn faster from checking out basic tutorials on youtube/other sites and poking around renderosity.com at first - was really all I was trying to say originally.. not meaning to sound rude or unsupportve. ..Especially if you're going to Max you're not going to know WHAT's going on!
  15. Oh for sure! And definitely if someone DID want to try to give a one-man course on 3D, then go ahead.. But what the OP is asking is a major task and the asking of the OP's question indicates he has no idea of that. 'Hay guise u can halp me 3d?' If he has no concept of his software this isn't the place to start learning, primarily because of the complexity of the task. If the OP was asking something specific related to collision meshes for example, that's different. Even if it was a little more general like, 'I have a basic model, but does anyone know how to do x with it in Max?' That's a question that is explained easily with the format of communication we're using. Realisticly, if the OP can't even use his software, and has done no modelling at all prior (Level design isnt *quite* the same as modelling. Sorry, OP.) Then anything any of us can help with here will probably not amount to much at all. My last post did sound a bit short. Sorry about that.
  16. Here is probably not the forum to be asking to be taught how to use your 3d software. Try googling around for free tutorials and join some other forums, like renderosity.
  17. Solid-state accelerometers! Flywheels are SO 19th century. Nevermind that gyroscopes in modern flight instruments only take a few seconds to spin up and stabilise.
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